1 System Overview
HP Kayak XU700 Minitower Front Panel
HP Kayak XU700 Minitower Front Panel
The front panel of HP Kayak XU700 Minitower PC Workstation has the
following features:
• Liquid Crystal Display (LCD). LCD error messages and available menus
are described on page 97
• On/Off LED. There are five states:
Blank. Indicates that the computer is turned off.
. Indicates that the computer is turned on and running correctly.
Red (fixed or flashing). Indicates a pre-boot or that there is a Power-
On Self-Test (POST) error, preventing the system from booting.
Amber. Displayed during system reset, system lock, Standby mode
(Windows 98) or Suspend mode (Windows 95).
• Hard disk drive activity LED. Activated during POST and when the
hard disk drive is being accessed.
Power On/Off
Reset Button
LCD Control Buttons
Hard Disk
Activity Light