HP XP7 Continuous Access Journal User Guide (TK911-96002)

7. When the primary system is ready to resume copy operations, resynchronize the pairs that
have been split at the primary system. Confirm that the status of the pairs is changed to COPY
or PAIR.
After turning power on or off for both the primary and secondary system at the same time, if pair
status at primary system is PSUS and a status of a pair of secondary system is PAIR, use Remote
Web Console to suspend the pair of the secondary system. After confirming that the statuses of
the pair on both systems is PSUS, resynchronize the pair at the primary system.
Powering-off network relay devices
Procedure 32 To power off a network relay device during copy operations
1. Ensure that all pairs or mirrors are split and that the status of all the pairs is PSUS.
2. Power off the device.
3. When ready power on the network relay device.
4. When the network relay device is ready for copy operations, from the local site, resynchronize
the pairs that have been split.
5. Confirm that pair status is COPY or PAIR.
86 Maintaining the Cnt Ac-J system