HP XP P9000 Replication Manager Software 7.6.0-00 User Guide

The GetCTDelta command requires that the P9000 Command View AE Common Component
services are running.
If the XP P9000 Command View AE Common Component is not installed under the installation
directory of XP P9000 Command View AE suite products, you must set the HRPM_CLI_BASE_PATH
environment variable. See About the installation base path on page 445 for more information.
GetCTDelta must be run on the management server.
Do not attempt to invoke multiple instances of GetCTDelta.
The GetCTDelta command is in the following location.
GetCTDelta [{-o | --output} output_file] [{ -h | --help}] [parameters]
When executed without an output specification (-o or --output), the output is sent to the command
line display.
The execution results are output to the specified file instead of the
The file path can be either relative or absolute.
Do not use a shortcut or symbolic link in the file path.
If an existing file is specified, it is overwritten.
-o output_file
--output output_file
Displays the command usage. If you include other options or paramet-
ers when using the help option, they are ignored.
Optional parameters can be used to specify the information to be exported. Multiple parameters must
be separated by spaces and be of the form parameter=value.
Output for the specified copy group:
[groupName=copy-group-name] [hour=number-of-hours | day=number-of-days]
Output for the specified copy group (open system or mainframe system managed by P9000 RAID
[hostName=pair-management-server-name instanceNumber=instance-number
groupName=copy-group-name] [{hour=number-of-hours | day=number-of-days}]
Replication Manager CLI tools446