ProLiant Essentials Vulnerability and Patch Management Pack User Guide
Installation and configuration 37
Configuring Vulnerability and Patch Management Pack
acquisition for Red Hat Enterprise Linux
If Red Hat patch acquisitions will be run, configure Red Hat Enterprise Linux acquisition settings:
1. Verify the Red Hat library, compat-libstdc++, is installed on all Red Hat target systems.
2. Verify that each Red Hat target system to be patched has a valid subscription and license for the
Red Hat Network, which are required for patch acquisitions. For information about subscribing
to the Red Hat Network, see
3. Log in to a Red Hat Enterprise Linux 2.1, 3, or 4 server as root.
4. Execute the following command: rhn_register
5. Select Existing, and enter your user credentials.
6. Enter a unique profile name for this machine (such as the IP address or host name).
7. Exit the rhn_register application without applying any patches to the system.
8. Copy the file created by the rhn_register tool from /etc/sysconfig/rhn/systemid to
C:\Program Files\HP\VPM\radia\IntegrationServer\etc.
9. Rename the systemid file to reflect the appropriate Red Hat distribution.
○ If the system that created the systemid file was running Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 ES,
rename the file “redhat-4es.sid.”
○ If the system that created the systemid file was running Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 ES,
rename the file “redhat-3es.sid.”
○ If the system that created the systemid file was running Red Hat Enterprise Linux 2.1 ES,
rename the file “redhat-2.1es.sid.”
○ If the system that created the systemid file was running Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 AS,
rename the file “redhat-4as.sid.”
○ If the system that created the systemid file was running Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 AS,
rename the file “redhat-3as.sid.”
○ If the system that created the systemid file was running Red Hat Enterprise Linux 2.1 AS,
rename the file “redhat-2.1as.sid.”
Acquiring Vulnerability and Patch Management Pack updates
Vulnerability and Patch Management Pack provides an acquisition utility that connects to the selected
vendor website, downloads patch information and patch files, and places this information in the
Vulnerability and Patch Management Pack database. Acquisitions can be run either from the VPM
server in situations where the VPM server has direct access to the Internet or using the VPM
Acquisition Utility installed on another system.
After Vulnerability and Patch Management Pack is installed for the first time, complete a patch
acquisition to update the information in the Vulnerability and Patch Management Pack database.
Also, perform patch acquisitions on a regular basis to obtain new vulnerability scan definitions and
patches, ensuring that Vulnerability and Patch Management Pack is always up to date with the latest
security information.