swinstall.1m (2011 09)

swinstall(1M) swinstall(1M)
0 provides no information to the logfile.
1 enables verbose logging to the logfiles.
2 enables very verbose logging, including per-file messages, to the logfiles.
Adds numeric identification numbers at the beginning of SD logfile messages:
0 (default) No identifiers are attached to messages.
1 Adds identifiers to ERROR messages only.
2 Adds identifiers to ERROR and WARNING messages.
3 Adds identifiers to ERROR, WARNING, and NOTE messages.
4 Adds identifiers to ERROR, WARNING, NOTE, and certain other informational mes-
Controls the time in minutes to cache and re-use the results of hostname or IP address
resolution lookups. A value of 0 disables the facility to cache and re-use lookup results.
The maximum value allowed is 10080 minutes, which is one week.
A value of:
0 disables the lookup caching mechanism.
10080 is the maximum value allowed.
(Applies only to swinstall.) If set to true, software selection is done by locating
filesets on the source that match the target systems installed filesets. If multiple targets
are specified, the first target in the list is used as the basis for selections.
When set to a positive integer, SD limits the number of concurrent install or copy opera-
tions to the number specified. As each copy or install operation completes, another target
is selected and started until all targets have been completed.
Server and network performance determines the optimal setting; a recommended start-
ing point is 25 (the default value). If you set this option to a value of less than one, SD
attempts to install or copy to all targets at once.
Attempt to mount all filesystems in the /etc/fstab file at the beginning of the analysis
phase, to ensure that all listed filesystems are mounted before proceeding. This policy
helps to ensure that files are not loaded into a directory that may be below a future
mount point.
If set to
false, the mount operation is not attempted, and no check of the current
mounts is performed.
os_name (Applies only to swinstall.) This option can be used in conjunction with
os_release to specify the desired OS name during an HP-UX update. The os_name
option should only be specified from the command line. Refer to the SD readme file for
correct syntax. You can display the readme file by entering:
swlist -a readme -l product SW-DIST
(Applies only to swinstall.) This option can be used in conjunction with os_name to
specify the desired OS release during an HP-UX update. The os_release option
should only be specified from the command line. Refer to the SD readme file for correct
syntax. You can display the readme file by entering:
swlist -a readme -l product SW-DIST
This option can be used in conjunction with the autoselect_patches or
patch_match_target options to filter the selected patches to meet the criteria
specified by software_specification . The default value of this option is *.*.
If multiple targets are specified, the first target in the list is used as the basis for patch
If set to true, this option selects the latest patches (software identified by the
HP-UX 11i Version 3: September 2011 13 Hewlett-Packard Company 13