swask.1m (2010 09)
swask(1M) swask(1M)
swask - ask for user response
swask [-v][-c catalog ][
-C session_file ][-f software_file ][-J jobid ][
-Q date ]
-s source ][-S session_file ][
-t target_file ][-x option=value ][-X options_file ]
[ software_selections ][
@ target_selections]
• This command supports operation on remote systems. See Remote Operation below.
• For an overview of all SD commands, see the sd(5) man page by typing
man5sdon the com-
mand line.
swask command runs interactive software request scripts for the software objects selected to one or
more targets specified by target_selections. These scripts store the responses in a response file (named
response) for later use by the swinstall
and swconfig commands. The swinstall and swcon-
fig commands can also run the interactive request scripts directly, using the
ask option.
If the
-s option is specified, software is selected from the distribution source. If the
-s option is not
specified, software installed on the target systems is selected. For each selected software that has a
request script, executing that script generates a response file. By specifying the
-c catalog option,
swask stores a copy of the response file to that catalog for later use by swinstall
or swconfig.
Remote Operation
You can enable SD to manage software on remote systems. To let the root user from a central SD con-
troller (also called the central management server or IR "manager node" ) perform operations on a remote
target (also called the host or agent ):
1) Set up the root, host, and template Access Control Lists (ACLs) on the remote machines to permit
root access from the controller system. To do this, run the following command on each remote sys-
• controller is the name of the central management server.
• If remote system is 11.00, make sure SD patch PHCO_22526 or a superseding patch is installed
on remote system before running
• If remote system is older than 11.00 or for some other reason does not have
setaccess in place,
setaccess script from an 11.11 or higher system to the remote system.
swinstall, swcopy, and swremove have enhanced GUI interfaces for remote operations. Enable
the enhanced GUIs by creating the .sdkey file on the controller. Use this command:
touch /var/adm/sw/.sdkey
See sd(5), swinstall (1M), swcopy(1M), swjob (1M), swlist (1M), or swremove (1M) for more information
on interactive operations.
NOTE: You can also set up remote access by using
swacl directly on the remote machines to grant root
or non-root access to users from the controller system.
swask command supports the following options:
-v Turns on verbose output to stdout.
-c catalog Specifies the pathname of an exported catalog which stores the response files
created by the request script. swask creates the catalog if it does not already exist.
If the -c catalog option is omitted and the source is local,
swask copies the response
files into the source depot, <distribution.path>/catalog .
-C session_file Saves the current options and operands only to the session_file. You can enter a
relative or absolute path with the file name. The default directory for session files
is $HOME/.sw/sessions/. Without this option, by default, the session file is
HP-UX 11i Version 3: September 2010 − 1 − Hewlett-Packard Company 1