parcreate2.1m (2010 09)

For OA Based Partition Management Systems
parcreate - create a new nPartition
[-a blade:blade_path:[blade_type]
-a io:iobay_path:[use_on_next_boot][
-c blade_path:[blade_type]:
[slm_value ]]...
[-p nPartition_id]
[-C parspec_name[:create_partition_flag]]
-G memory_granularity_type
-L slm_value]
[-M type:max_value]
[-N next_boot_mode]
-O os_name]
[-P partition_name]
-T hyper_threading_flag]
-V vga_flag]
[-X parspec:change_policy_flag]
-Z parspec_name]
Platform Support Remarks
parcreate describes functionality on systems with Onboard Administrator (OA) based parti-
tion management. For parcreate on systems not running OA based partition management,
refer to parcreate1 (1M) by typing man parcreate1.
parcreate command creates a new nPartition on the local complex. The command takes the
specified blades and I/O bays and assigns them to the new nPartition. If an nPartition number is not
specified, the command finds an available nPartition number and assigns it to the new nPartition. Like-
wise if an nPartition name is not specified, a default name of the format
nParNNNN is given to the new
nPartition (where NNNN is a 4 digit nPartition number).
Superuser permission is required to run this command from the partition side. When the command is
invoked from the Onboard Administrator (OA), it requires operator privilege level or above.
Please refer to the HP Superdome 2 Partitioning Administrator Guide for a description of the partition
management terms used in this man page.
Options and Arguments
parcreate recognizes the following command line options and arguments:
-a blade:blade_path :[blade_type ]:[use_on_next_boot]:[failure_usage]
[slm_value ]
-c blade_path :[blade_type]:[use_on_next_boot]:[failure_usage]
[slm_value ]
Specifies a blade to be assigned to the nPartition.
Either the
-a or -c option can be used to specify a blade to be assigned to the nPar-
tition. To assign multiple blades to the nPartition, multiple -a and -c options
must be used.
specifies the blade resource path. It can be specified in short, medium, or long
format. For example, the blade located in enclosure 1, slot 3 is identified in
the short format as 1/3, in the medium format as blade-1/3, or in the long for-
mat as enclosure1/blade3.
specifies the type of the blade. The valid blade_type value for blades is:
base This is the default if blade_type is not specified. A base blade in
an nPartition cannot be online deleted.
HP-UX 11i Version 3: September 2010 1 Hewlett-Packard Company 1

Summary of content (6 pages)