mrouted.1m (2010 09)
mrouted(1M) mrouted(1M)
The cache tables look like this:
Multicast Routing Cache Table (147 entries)
Origin Mcast-group CTmr Age Ptmr IVif Forwvifs
13.2.116/22 3m 2m - 0 1
138.96.48/21 5m 2m - 0 1
128.9.160/20 3m 2m - 0 1
198.106.194/24 9m 28s 9m 0P
Each entry is characterized by the origin subnet number, mask, and the destination multicast group. The
CTmr field indicates the lifetime of the entry. The entry is deleted from the cache table when the timer
decrements to zero. The Age field is the time since this cache entry was originally created. Since cache
entries get refreshed if traffic is flowing, routing entries can grow very old. The Ptmr field is simply a
dash if no prune was sent upstream, or the amount of time until the upstream prune will time out. The
Ivif field indicates the incoming vif for multicast packets from that origin. Each router also maintains a
record of the number of prunes received from neighboring routers for a particular source and group. If
there are no members of a multicast group on any downward link of the multicast tree for a subnet, a
prune message is sent to the upstream router. They are indicated by a
P after the vif number. The
Forwvifs field shows the interfaces along which datagrams belonging to the source-group are forwarded.
p indicates that no datagrams are being forwarded along that interface. An unlisted interface is a leaf
subnet with no members of the particular group on that subnet. A b on an interface indicates that it is a
boundary interface; that is, traffic will not be forwarded on the scoped address on that interface. An addi-
tional line with a > as the first character is printed for each source on the subnet. Note that there can be
many sources in one subnet.
mrouted was developed by Steve Deering, Ajit Thyagarajan, Bill Fenner.
map-mbone(1M), mrinfo(1M).
DVMRP is described, along with other multicast routing algorithms, in the paper "Multicast Routing in
Internetworks and Extended LANs" by S. Deering, in the Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM ’88 Confer-
HP-UX 11i Version 3: September 2010 − 5 − Hewlett-Packard Company 5