bgpd.1m (2010 09)

bgpd(1M) bgpd(1M)
bgpd - BGP routing daemon for IPv6
[-C | -c][-f config_file ][
-N][-n][-q][-t trace_options][trace_file ]
bgpd is a routing daemon that works with Route Administration Manager (RAMD) for IPv6. This rout-
ing daemon is an implementation of Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) for IPv6.
bgpd is invoked automati-
cally if it is enabled in the
configuration file.
BGP exchanges information across the Autonomous System (AS) and uses the path-vector algorithm to
select the best path. It conforms to IETF RFC 1771, RFC 2545 RFC 2858, and RFC 3392 .
This release supports only IPv6 route exchange.
bgpd supports the following command-line options:
-C | -c Parses the configuration file for syntax errors and terminates
bgpd. bgpd exits with
status 0 if the configuration file contains no error. In case of any error,
bgpd exits
with a non-zero value.
bgpd prints the configuration file errors, if any, to the stan-
dard output.
-C and -c perform the same function.
-f config_file Specifies an alternate configuration file to be used by bgpd.
By default, bgpd uses
/etc/ramd.conf configuration file.
-N Specifies that bgpd runs as a normal process and not as a daemon.
-n Specifies that bgpd does not modify the kernel forwarding table. That is, bgpd must
not send route updates to
-q Suppresses stderr messages of bgpd. Using this option, informational messages
that are printed to the standard output can be suppressed and error messages can be
logged using syslogd (1M). By default, bgpd logs the syslog errors to
-t trace_options Specifies a comma-separated list of trace options that must be enabled during startup
of bgpd. No space is allowed between this option and its arguments. See
ramd.conf (4) for information on valid trace options and tracing.
trace_file Name of the file used by
bgpd to log tracing information. If trace options are
specified without specifying a trace file, bgpd uses the default trace file
Signal Processing
The following signals can be used to control
SIGHUP Specifies bgpd to reread the configuration file. bgpd reads the configuration file and
reconfigures its policies.
SIGINT Specifies that the current state of bgpd is written to /var/tmp/bgpd/bgpd.dump
SIGTERM Graceful shutdown. On receipt of SIGTERM, bgpd attempts a graceful shutdown. All pro-
tocol routes are removed from the kernel’s routing table on receipt of SIGTERM.
SIGUSR1 Toggle tracing. If the tracing is currently enabled, this signal suspends tracing and closes
trace file. If tracing is currently disabled, the trace file will be reopened and tracing ini-
tiated. This is used to move trace files.
It is not possible to use
SIGUSR1 if tracing is not enabled in the configuration file.
bgpd was developed by Future software Ltd.
netstat(1), ifconfig(1M), ram_monitor(1M), ramd(1M), rdc(1M), fork(2), ramd.conf(4).
HP-UX 11i Version 3: September 2010 1 Hewlett-Packard Company 1

Summary of content (2 pages)