When Good Disks Go Bad: Dealing with Disk Failures Under LVM (5900-3153, June 2013)

vgdisplay: Couldn't query volume group "/dev/vg00".
Possible error in the Volume Group minor number;
Please check and make sure the group minor number is unique.
vgdisplay: Cannot display volume group "/dev/vg00".
This error has several possible causes:
a. There are multiple LVM group files with the same minor number.
b. Serviceguard was previously installed on the system, and the /dev/slvmvg device
file still exists.
Recommended Action:
a. List the LVM group files. If there are any duplicate minor numbers, export one of the
affected volume groups, create a new group file with a unique minor number, and re-
import the volume group. If you are not familiar with the following process, contact
your HP support representative for assistance:
# ll /dev/*/group
# vgexport -m vgname.map -v -f vgname.file /dev/vgname
# mkdir /dev/vgname
# mknod /dev/vgname/group c 64 unique_minor_number
# vgimport -m vgname.map -v -f vgname.file /dev/vgname
b. Remove the /dev/slvmvg device file and recreate the /etc/lvmtab file with the
following commands:
# rm /dev/slvmvg
# mv /etc/lvmtab /etc/lvmtab.old
# vgscan v
Warning: couldn't query physical volume "pvname":
The specified path does not correspond to physical volume attached to
this volume group
Warning: couldn't query all of the physical volumes.
This error has several possible causes. They are described earlier under the vgchange
error messages.
Recommended Action:
See the recommended actions under the vgchange error messages.
vgextend: Not enough physical extents per physical volume.
Need: #, Have: #.
The disk size exceeds the volume group maximum disk size. This limitation is defined
when the volume group is created, as a product of the extent size specified with the s
option of vgcreate and the maximum number of physical extents per disk specified with
the e option. Typically, the disk is successfully added to the volume group, but all of it is
not accessible.