When Good Disks Go Bad: Dealing with Disk Failures Under LVM (5900-3153, June 2013)
vgdisplay: Couldn't query volume group "/dev/vg00".
Possible error in the Volume Group minor number;
Please check and make sure the group minor number is unique.
vgdisplay: Cannot display volume group "/dev/vg00".
This error has several possible causes:
a. There are multiple LVM group files with the same minor number.
b. Serviceguard was previously installed on the system, and the /dev/slvmvg device
file still exists.
Recommended Action:
a. List the LVM group files. If there are any duplicate minor numbers, export one of the
affected volume groups, create a new group file with a unique minor number, and re-
import the volume group. If you are not familiar with the following process, contact
your HP support representative for assistance:
# ll /dev/*/group
# vgexport -m vgname.map -v -f vgname.file /dev/vgname
# mkdir /dev/vgname
# mknod /dev/vgname/group c 64 unique_minor_number
# vgimport -m vgname.map -v -f vgname.file /dev/vgname
b. Remove the /dev/slvmvg device file and recreate the /etc/lvmtab file with the
following commands:
# rm /dev/slvmvg
# mv /etc/lvmtab /etc/lvmtab.old
# vgscan –v
Warning: couldn't query physical volume "pvname":
The specified path does not correspond to physical volume attached to
this volume group
Warning: couldn't query all of the physical volumes.
This error has several possible causes. They are described earlier under the vgchange
error messages.
Recommended Action:
See the recommended actions under the vgchange error messages.
vgextend: Not enough physical extents per physical volume.
Need: #, Have: #.
The disk size exceeds the volume group maximum disk size. This limitation is defined
when the volume group is created, as a product of the extent size specified with the –s
option of vgcreate and the maximum number of physical extents per disk specified with
the –e option. Typically, the disk is successfully added to the volume group, but all of it is
not accessible.