VERITAS Volume Manager 3.1 Storage Administrator Administrator's Guide

Getting Started
Setting User Preferences
Chapter 288
Brightness sliders to the appropriate positions.
Set the width and height (in pixels) for the following windows:
Main Window
Object Search Window
Alert Monitor Window
Task Request Monitor Window
Volume Layout Details Window
Command Launcher Window
Grid Copy Window
Object View Window
Dissociated Object View Window
If you resize one of these windows via your window manager, the
Geometry preference for that window changes to the new size
Set the following tree and grid preferences:
Display Full Path Display path information in the tree and
Auto Scroll Grid When an object is added or changed, scroll
through the objects until the new/changed
object is visible in the grid.
Double-Click Always
Displays Properties
When the administrator double-clicks on an
object, always display the properties
window for the object. If this preference is
not set, double-clicking on an object with
children (such as a disk group) displays the
object’s children instead of its properties
Splitter Position Move the splitter to adjust the relative sizes
of the tree and grid panes.
Column Header Alignment Align column headings above the data in
each column (best fit) or at the left, right, or
center of each column.