VERITAS Volume Manager 3.1 Storage Administrator Administrator's Guide
Disk Tasks
Renaming a Disk Group
Chapter 3132
Renaming a Disk Group
This procedure changes the name of an existing disk group. You might
rename a disk group to provide a more appropriate name or avoid a
name conflict with a disk group to be imported.
To rename a disk group
Step 1. Select the disk group to be renamed.
Step 2. Choose Disks Groups > Rename (Selected menu) or Disk Group Rename
(Command Launcher).
Step 3. Complete the Rename Disk Group dialog box as follows:
When you have provided all necessary information in the dialog box,
click OK.
Disk Group Name: If the correct disk group name is not already
displayed in this field, type the disk group’s name or
click Browse to select the disk group.
New Name: Type the new name for the disk group.
• This task requires the current disk group name and a new disk group
• The new disk group name must be unique.
• This task deports and reimports the disk group. If volumes in the
disk group are in use, the deport fails and the disk group is not
• This task updates the file system table file, if necessary.
• If the disk group contains volumes with mounted file systems, you
may need to unmount the file systems.