VERITAS Volume Manager 3.1 Migration Guide

Converting LVM to VxVM
Chapter 248
RECORDS neededs to convert = 399
MAXIMUM records allowable= 392
The smallest disk in the Volume Group (vg08) does not
sufficient private space for the conversion to succeed.
There is
only enough private space for 392 VM Database records
and the
conversion of Volume Group (vg08) would require enough
space to
allow 399 VxVM Database records. This would roughly
translate to
needing an additional 896 bytes available in the private
This can be accomplished by reducing the number of
volumes in
the (vg08) Volume Group, and allowing that for every
removed, the number of Database records required would
reduced by three. This is only a rough approximation,
Hit RETURN to continue.
Example: converting LVM volume groups to VxVM
disk groups
To convert LVM volume groups to VxVM disk groups:
# vxvmconvert
Volume Manager Support Operations
Menu: VolumeManager/LVM_Conversion
1Analyze LVM Volume Groups for Conversion
2Convert LVM Volume Groups to VxVM
3Roll back from VxVM to LVM
listList disk information
listvgList LVM Volume Group information
?Display help about menu
??Display help about the menuing system
qExit from menus