VERITAS 4.1 Installation Guide (December 2005)

Installing Base-VXFS 4.1, Base-VXVM 4.1
Chapter 430
a. Set the variable src to the location of the existing September 2005 OE media:
b. Set the variable src_VERITAS-4.1 to the location of the VERITAS-4.1 bits:
c. Set the variable des to the location of the VERITAS-4.1 depot to be created:
d. Set the variable rem_sw to the software to be removed:
rem_sw= Base-VXVM B5725AA Ignite-UX-11-00 Ignite-UX-11-11 \
Ignite-IA-11-22 Ignite-UX-11-23 FEATURE11i
Step 2. Copy the existing depot to the location of the VERITAS-4.1 depot being created:
# swcopy -s $src \* @ $des
Step 3. Remove the software listed in rem_sw, run the following command:
# swremove $rem_w @ $des
Step 4. Copy the new software provided with the VERITAS-4.1 into the new depot being
created. This results in the full VERITAS-4.1 depot.
# swcopy -s $src_VERITAS-4.1 \* @ $des
Step 5. To install the new VERITAS-4.1 version of Ignite-UX from the VERITAS-4.1 depot
that was created in the steps above, complete the following steps:
# swinstall -s ${des} B5725AA
Step 6. To create the new configuration file for the VERITAS-4.1 depot, run the following
# make_config -s ${des} -c
Step 7. Add the new configuration file to /var/opt/ignite/INDEX file.
manage_index -n "HP-UX B.11.23 Default" -c "HP-UX B.11.23 VERITAS 4.1"
manage_index -a-f
/var/opt/ignite/data/Rel_B.11.23/B.11.23.VERITAS_4.1_cfg -c "HP-UX
B.11.23 VERITAS 4.1"
This will result in a server capable of installing Base-VXVM and Base-VXFS.