HP-UX System Administrator's Guide: Logical Volume Management (5900-3028, March 2013)
Administration of boot disks of size greater than 2 TB
There is no change in LVM command interfaces when administering boot disks of size greater than
2 TB. Administration of boot disks greater than 2 TB is done in the same way as the smaller disks.
However there are a few compatibility constraints that are discussed in the next section.
Starting March 2013 release, LVM allows you to configure system logical volumes
(Root/Boot/Swap/Dump Logical Volumes) up to the size 16 TB using the lvlnboot(1M) command.
However, the system volumes configured during Ignite-UX cold installation are limited to smaller
values based on other system constraints and limitations. For more information about the limitations,
see Ignite-UX Admin Guide and Ignite-UX Release notes at http://www.hp.com/go/Ignite-UX.
Compatibility of boot disks of size greater than 2 TB
The boot disks of size greater than 2 TB should only be administered on a system running LVM
version March 2013 or later. The administration of boot disk here includes usage of any LVM
commands that changes boot configuration such as lvlnboot(1M) and lvrmboot(1M) or
changes data layout such as lvextend(1M), lvreduce(1M) and pvmove(1M).
WARNING! The administration of boot disks greater than 2 TB should not be attempted on a
system running LVM versions prior to the March 2013 release. If such an administration is attempted
by mistake, the primary swap and dump might not be configured during a subsequent Maintenance
Mode Boot (MMB) over that disk. However, the regular boot is unaffected.
To correct the situation, re-configure all the system volumes (Root/Boot/Swap/Dump Logical
Volumes) from the system running LVM release version March 2013 or later.
Downgrade of LVM software from version March 2013 or later to a release prior to March 2013
should not be attempted on a boot disk of size greater than 2 TB. It may result in boot failure when
Maintenance Mode Boot (MMB) is attempted subsequently with the downgraded kernel.
Downgrade of an entire OE version from March 2013 or later to a release prior to March 2013
might result in regular boot failure on boot disks of size greater than 2 TB.
NOTE: The compatibility statements mentioned under warning do not apply to boot disks of size
2 TB and smaller.
Software Requirements
This new boot capability requires the following softwares, all of which are always installed in
March 2013 (or later) Operating Environments (OEs).
• BaseLVM B.11.31.1303
• PHKL_43192 (dump cumulative patch)
• PHKL_42916 (SCSI cumulative I/O patch)
• PHKL_43191 (boot loader cumulative patch)
• PHKL_43266 (mdep efi_utils cumulative patch)
• PHKL_43275 (USB devices, setboot cumulative patch)
• PHCO_43237 (swapinfo(1M) cumulative patch)
• PHCO_43400 (swapon(1M) cumulative patch)
These patches are delivered with both HWEnable11i and FEATURE11i bundles.
108 Administering LVM