HP Superdome 2 Partitioning Administrator Guide (5900-1801, August 2011)
The bo command without arguments prompts you to select a partition to boot:
bo This command controls power enable to a partition.
Partition Partition
Number Name
--------- ---------
1 nPar0001
1:1 nPar0001:vPar1
1:2 nPar0001:vPar0002
1:3 nPar0001:we
1:5 nPar0001:vPar0005
1:21 nPar0001:vPar0021
2 nPar0002
2:1 nPar0002:vPar0001
3 hard_partition
4 nPar0004
5 nPar0005
Q) Quit
Select partition number:2:1
Poweron request sent to partition 2:1.
Operation initiated successfully.
Please run PARSTATUS/VPARSTATUS or SHOW SYSLOG OA to determine the completion
status of the operation.
The pe command also prompts you to select a partition:
This command controls power enable to a partition.
Partition Partition
Number Name
--------- ---------
1 nPar0001
1:1 nPar0001:vPar1
1:2 nPar0001:vPar0002
1:3 nPar0001:we
1:5 nPar0001:vPar0005
1:21 nPar0001:vPar0021
2 nPar0002
2:1 nPar0002:vPar0001
3 hard_partition
4 nPar0004
5 nPar0005
Q) Quit
Select partition number: 2:1
The power state is OFF for partition 2:1.
In what state do you want the power? (ON/OFF) on
Booting from the GUI
You can go to the individual partition screens from the left navigation pane regardless of whether
the partition is an nPartition or a vPar.
1. Select a partition that you want to activate.
52 Booting and resetting Partitions (nPartitions and vPars)