System Management Homepage 6.2 User Guide
Multihomed certificate alternative names list
You can set the name for the certificate through the multihomed option.
It is important to restart the hpsmhd service when running smhconfig with multihomed values using a single
command on the console (--restart option).
smhconfig -u|--multihomed [=] NAMELIST
smhconfig -u|--multihomed [=] NAMELIST --restart
NAMELIST must be a semicolon-separated list of IP addresses and hostnames.
Custom UI
Enabling custom UI enables you to customize the signin and header images as well as adding a small text
in the signin page. See the HP SMH README.txt in the hpsmh/data/htdocs/custom_ui directory in
the HP SMH install path.
smhconfig -c|--custom-ui [=] True | False
Log-based Directory
To define a particular directory location (path) to the smh error_log and access_log, use the following
smhconfig -O|--log-base-dir[=] DIR
where, DIR is the directory location (path) of the directory where the log is to be saved.
Configurable Logging
To configure the logs in HP SMH, execute the following command:
smhconfig -q |--config-level[=] Informational | Minor | Warning | Major |
Critical where, Informational, Minor, Warning, Major, and Critical are the logging levels in HP SMH.
Execute the following command to restart the HP SMH service smhconfig -r.
Any logs of severity greater than or equal to the configuration level set is logged in the smh_enc.log file.
Autostart Mode
Autostart mode is a new feature in HP SMH which, if enabled, stops Apache server after a certain timeout
(server time out) period specified by the user to optimize the system resources. Beyond the server timeout
period set, HP SMH cannot be accessed through port 2381 until it is accessed via port 2301 and thus auto
starting HP SMH on port 2381.
Autostart mode is supported for systems running on Linux operating systems. By default, during the version
6.2 first installation, Autostart mode is disabled on the HP SMH systems. It can be enabled either from the
GUI or through the Command Line Interface.
To configure autostart mode start up from the Command Line Interface, execute the following command:
smhconfig -D | --autostart TRUE|FALSE
where, selecting TRUE enables the autostart mode and FALSE disables the autostart mode.
When Autostart mode is enabled, you can set the timeout in minutes for the server timeout value between 0
and 60 minutes (default value is 30 minutes)
To set the server timeout in minutes, execute the following command: smhconfig -F |
where, (0-60) corresponds to the time in minutes for the session timeout.
Restart the HP SMH application for the Apache server to use the newly-configured values.
Multihomed certificate alternative names list 69