HP StorageWorks XP Tiered Storage Manager CLI Reference Guide (December 2005)

Using the Tiered Storage Manager CLI 30
Table 3-3 Range of Valid Parameter Values
Parameter Permissible Value or
Valid Characters and
Parameter Restrictions
Size or Number of
symbol + to the value.
direction Before
The value is not case
The value cannot
contain space
filtercondition See Table 3-4. See Table 3-4. Up to 4,096 bytes (when
converted to UTF-8).
3-3-2 Filter Condition Expressions
There are two types of filter condition expressions specified for the filtercondition parameter:
Filter condition expressions for a storage tier (storage_tier_filter_condition). These are filter
condition expressions specified for CreateStorageTier and ModifyStorageTier.
Filter condition expressions for a volume (volume_filter_condition). These are filter condition
expressions specified for GetVolumes and CreateMigrationPlan.
Figure 3-1 illustrates the syntax of these filter condition expressions, in Bachus Naur form (BNF):
storage_tier_filter_condition ::= and_search_condition | or_search_condition
and_search_condition ::= comparison_predicate | and_search_condition "AND"
and_search_condition | "(" and_search_condition ")"
or_search_condition ::= comparison_predicate | or_search_condition "OR"
or_search_condition | "(" or_search_condition ")"
volume_filter_condition ::= term | volume_filter_condition "OR"
term ::= factor | term "AND" term
factor ::= test | "NOT" factor
test ::= comparison_predicate | "(" volume_filter_condition ")"
comparison_predicate ::= symbol comp_op literal
symbol ::= name
comp_op ::= "=" | "<>" | "<" | ">" | "<=" | ">=" | "startsWith" | "contains"
literal ::= string_literal | numeric_literal
numeric_literal ::= digit { digit }
digit ::= "0" | "1" | "2" | "3" | "4" | "5" | "6" | "7" | "8" | "9"
The maximum number of comparison predicate that can be contained in one filter condition expression is
Figure 3-1 Filter Condition Expressions in BNF
NOTE: Curly brackets ({}) indicate 0 or more repetitions
If any of the following characters are included in string_literal, enclose string_literal in single
quotation marks ('). For a single quotation mark (') used for enclosing a string, add a single quotation mark (')
as an escape character (specify two single quotation marks sequentially).
Space character, parenthesis (), inequality sign <>, equal sign =, single quotation mark '
Unknown cannot be specified for literal. Note that the displayed Unknown might mean that either the value is
unknown or the character string is Unknown.