FW 05.01.00 and SW 07.01.00 HP StorageWorks CLI Reference Guide for Directors and Edge Switches (AA-RQ7AD-TE, June 2003)

32 CLI Reference Guide for Directors and Edge Switches
Output Example
Output displayed in commaDelim mode follows.
Root> show eventLog
Date/Time,Code,Severity,FRU,Event Data,
04/12/01 10:58A,375,Major,CTP-0,00010203 04050607 08090A0B
04/12/01 10:58A,375,Major,CTP-0,00010203 04050607 08090A0B
04/12/01 9:58A,385,Severe,CTP-0,00010203 04050607 08090A0B
04/11/01 7:18P,395,Severe,CTP-0,00010203 04050607 08090A0B
Handling Command Line Interface Errors
Two types of errors detected by the CLI are:
An error associated with the interface. For example, a keyword is misspelled
or does not exist.
Root> confg
Error 234: Invalid Command
An error associated with a fabric, director, or edge switch. For example, a
parameter error is detected by a switch, where port 24 is entered for a switch
that supports only 16 ports.
Root> config port name 24 “Port 24"
Error 248: Invalid Port Number
In either case, the command is ignored. The CLI remains at the point it was before
the command was entered. The error messages, including error number and error,
are listed in Appendix A.