HP P6000 Replication Solutions Manager User Guide (T3680-96089, October 2012)

Write cache setting after replicationFlush implementationMethod
You must include job commands to set the source
disk to write-through mode and wait for the flush
to complete before starting the replication.
Job preallocated copy (converted container) to
write-back mode.
If you want the source disks or copies to be in
write-through mode, you must explicitly set them.
You must issue CLUI commands to set the source
disk to write-through mode and wait for the flush
to complete before starting the replication.
This feature is controller software version dependent. See Controller software features - local
replication. See also virtual disk Containers.
Snapshot FAQ
How can I tell a snapshot from other types of virtual disks?
Because snapshots are not independent virtual disks, they are identified differently than original
(active) virtual disks. See virtual disks Types.
How long does it take to create a snapshot?
A snapshot requires only a matter of seconds, no matter how large the original (active) virtual
If it is virtual, can a host write to a snapshot?
Yes. A snapshot is functionally equivalent to a physical disk with both read and write capability.
After I create a snapshot, can I delete the original (active) virtual disk?
No. A snapshot always relies, at least in part, on the original (active) virtual disk for data. If
the original virtual disk is deleted, its associated snapshot becomes unusable. A snapshot
should be thought of as a temporary copy.
Can I make multiple snapshots of an original (active) virtual disk?
Yes. However, there is a limit. See virtual disks Snapshot guidelines.
What is the maximum number of snapshots on a storage system?
There is no limit. However, the greater the number of snapshots, the longer it takes to shut
down the storage system during maintenance and upgrade activities.
Can I create a snapshot of a snapclone?
Can I create an snapshot of a snapshot?
Snapshot guidelines
The following guidelines apply to snapshot virtual disks:
The array must have a local replication license. See Replication licenses overview.
The maximum number of snapshots per source varies with controller software versions. See
Controller software features - local replication.
A snapshot is always created in the same disk group as the source virtual disk.
The redundancy level (Vraid) of a snapshot must be the same or lower than the source. See
Redundancy level (Vraid).
All snapshots of the same virtual disk must be the same type (demand allocated or fully
allocated) and redundancy level. See Snapshot types (allocation policy).
272 Virtual disks