HP P6000 Replication Solutions Manager User Guide (T3680-96089, October 2012)
• You can use the GUI or jobs to create the copies. See Host volume actions cross reference.
This procedure uses the GUI.
1. In the navigation pane, select Host Volumes.
2. Click the tab for host volumes, host volume groups, or host disk devices.
3. Select one or more host resources to replicate. To make a fractured mirrorclone replica, you
must select a resource which has an underlying virtual disk with a mirrorclone
4. Select Actions > Replicate.
The local replication wizard opens.
5. Follow the instructions in the wizard.
Creating round-robin replicas
Create a job and schedule a job to produce replicas in a round robin rotation.
• Round robin features for host volumes are only available in the GUI replication wizard.
• To ensure proper operation when using the round robin feature with replicate option, ensure
that all replicas created using the round robin policy are not presented to hosts. If any replicas
are presented to a host when the job runs, the resulting replicas will not be created in the
correct order and more than the specified number of replicas may be created.
1. In the navigation pane, select Host Volumes.
2. Click the tab for host volumes, host volume groups, or host disk devices.
3. Select the host resource to replicate.
4. Select Actions > Replicate.
The local replication wizard opens. Complete pages 1 and 2 as desired.
5. On page 3, Replication Options, select Use Round Robin Replicas, and select the number of
replicas to keep in the rotation.
6. On wizard page 4, select an option that saves the wizard results as a job and enter a job
7. Click Finish to close the wizard and save your round robin instructions as a job.
8. Manually run the round-robin job when needed, or schedule it to run automatically.
Deleting replicas
Delete a host volume replica from the replica repository. Optionally, delete the virtual disks that
underlie the replica.
• You can only use the GUI to delete a replica from the repository.
• The host volume replica repository contains only replicas that were created using the local
replication wizard.
• Deleting host volume replicas that were not created using the local replication wizard requires
a different procedure. See Deleting host volume resources.
Working with host volumes 117