Managing Serviceguard Extension for SAP on Linux (IA64 Integrity and x86_64), April 2009

Database Configuration
SAP WAS System Configuration
The tasks are presented as a sequence of steps. Each installation step is accompanied by a unique number
of the format
, where
are incrementing values and XX indicates the step relationship, as follows:
ISnnnfont - Installation Steps mandatory for all SAP package types
OSnnnfont - Optional Steps
ORnnnfont - ORacle database only steps
MDnnnfont - SAPDB/MAXDB or LC database only steps
REnnnfont - Replicated Enqueue only steps
NW04Jnnnfont - Installation Steps for a Netweaver 2004 JAVA-only installation
NW04Snnnfont - Installation Steps for all Netweaver 2004s installations
If you need assistance during the installation process and need to contact HP support, you can refer to the
installation step numbers to specify your issue. Also include the version of this document. The installation
step numbers were reorganized for this document version and don't resemble to earlier releases.
Whenever appropriate, Linux sample commands are given to guide you through the integration process. It
is assumed that hardware as well as the operating system and Serviceguard are already installed properly
on all cluster hosts. Sometimes a condition is specified with the installation step. Follow the information
presented only if the condition is true for your situation.
NOTE: For installation steps in this chapter that require the adjustment of SAP specific parameter in order
to run the SAP WAS system in a switchover environment example values are given. These values are for
reference ONLY and it is recommended to read and follow the appropriate SAP OSS notes for SAP's latest
recommendation. Whenever possible the SAP OSS note number is given.
Serviceguard Extension for SAP on Linux: cmcluster.config
The Linux distribution of Serviceguard uses a special file, /etc/cmcluster.config, to define the locations
for configuration and log files within the Linux file system. These paths differ depending on the Linux distribution
In this document, references to /etc/cmcluster.config can be replaced by the definition of the variable
that is found in this file /etc/cmcluster.config. The default values are:
For SUSE Linux - SGCONF=/opt/cmcluster/conf
for Redhat Linux - SGCONF=/usr/local/cmcluster/conf
To initialize the variables in /etc/cmcluster.config execute the following command for the bash shell:
NOTE: The leading dot is important.
. /etc/cmcluster.config
When the following command is executed the variable ${SGCONF} is expanded to path as specified above:
/opt/cmcluster/conf or /usr/local/cmcluster/conf
cd ${SGCONF}
will change into directory:
For SUSE Linux - /opt/cmcluster/conf
For Redhat Linux - /usr/local/cmcluster/conf
NOTE: The above variable expansion ${SGCONF} does not work for the Serviceguard package
configuration file. In this file you must use the actual path either /opt/cmcluster/conf or
/usr/local/cmcluster/conf. This is indicated by the pointed brackets <SGCONF> where <SGCONF>
must be substituted with the actual path.
48 Step-by-Step Cluster Conversion