Managing Serviceguard Extension for SAP on Linux (IA64 Integrity and x86_64), April 2009
To configure the NFS automounter the file system /usr/sap/trans will again be used as an example.
The goal is to access /usr/sap/trans transparently from all cluster nodes. The initial approach for
configuring the automounter on Linux:
1. As in the static NFS case from above: On the cluster node acting as the NFS server the
/usr/sap/trans volumes are mounted under an /export directory and exported to the NFS clients.
Enable a virtual host /nfsreloc (relocatable IP address) from where the NFS clients can mount file
systems. The virtual host has the advantage to it is always enabled on the cluster node where the NFS
directories are being exported from and the NFS clients only have to mount from this name.
2. On the NFS clients (regardless if cluster node or remote system) auto mount the NFS directories under
an /import directory. The /import directory will be used as a pseudo mountpoint because Linux
does not yet support direct map mount points when a parent mount point exists. For example, if the
automounter map /usr/sap/trans nfsreloc:/export/usr/sap/trans is used it will fail since
target directory /usr of /usr/sap/trans exists on a Linux system. This is because the Linux
automounter wants to remove any files in target directory /usr before executing. So since we are
using the automounter Linux the only way it will work is to use a pseudo mountpoint and create symbolic
links from SAP directories pointing to the pseudo mount points. The /import directory will just serve
as dummy place holder.
3. The configuration of automounter is based on two files /etc/auto.master and a mount specific file
/etc/auto.import (also called an automounter map file).
An example of automounter map file in /etc/auto.master:
/import /etc/auto.import nfsvers=3
The automounter map file itself /etc/auto.import contains the following line:
trans -fstype=nfs,rw,udp,nosymlink nfsreloc: /export/usr/sap/trans
For each line in /etc/auto.master a separate automount process is started. If a user or a process
tries to access any files or directories in /import (for example /import/usr/sap/trans), the
automounter will read the automounter map file /etc/auto.import and find a description of how
file systems below the /import mount point of the map are to be mounted. The basic format of a line
in such maps is: key [-options] location. The automounter then tries to generate a unique key
from filename /import/usr/sap/trans that will map to a line in /etc/auto.import. In this
example trans is a unique key.
NOTE: The names of the sub-directories in /import have to be chosen so that they map into a unique
key / name pair. In the case of example file systems /usr/sap/trans and /usr/sap/tmp the
key sap cannot be chosen as it would not create a unique mapping. Therefore keys trans and tmp have
to be chosen.
4. Create a symbolic link that points from the original SAP directory names to automount NFS place holders
in holders in /import
ln -sf /import/trans /usr/sap/trans
Summary of automount file systems
The following is a summary of file systems that will be mounted with the automounter:
For the SAP instance with SID:
nfsreloc:/export/sapmnt/<SID> /import/<SID>
nfsreloc:/export/usr/sap/trans /import/trans
For the MaxDB / liveCache database:
nfsreloc:/export/var/spool/sql/in /import/in
nfsreloc:/export/sapdb/programs /import/programs
nfsreloc:/export/sapdb/data /import/data
For the Oracle database:
nfsreloc:/export/oracle/stage /import/stage
SHARED NFS: the NFS automounter 39