Managing HP Serviceguard A.11.20.10 for Linux, December 2012

Table 12 Types of Changes to Packages (continued)
Required Package StateChange to the Package
Package can be running if the status of generic resource is 'up', else package
must be halted.
Add a generic resource of
evaluation type
Package can be running.Remove a generic resource
Package can be running if the status of generic resource is 'up'.
Not allowed if changing the generic_resource_evaluation_type causes the package
to fail.
For information on online changes to generic resources, see “Online
Reconfiguration of Generic Resources” (page 107).
Change the
Package can be running for resources of evaluation type before_package_start
or during_package_start provided the new up criteria does not cause the resource
status to evaluate to 'down'.
Not allowed if changing the generic_resource_up_criteria causes the package to
For information on online changes to generic resources, see “Online
Reconfiguration of Generic Resources” (page 107).
Change the
Package can be running. See “Online Reconfiguration of serviceguard-xdc
Modular Package Parameters” (page 107).
Change modular serviceguard-xdc
package parameters:
nl Changes that Will Trigger Warnings
Changes to the following will trigger warnings, giving you a chance to cancel, if the change would
cause the package to fail.
NOTE: You will not be able to cancel if you use cmapplyconf -f.
Package nodes
Package dependencies
Package weights (and also node capacity, defined in the cluster configuration file)
Package priority
7.9 Responding to Cluster Events
Serviceguard does not require much ongoing system administration intervention. As long as there
are no failures, your cluster will be monitored and protected. In the event of a failure, those packages
that you have designated to be transferred to another node will be transferred automatically. Your
ongoing responsibility as the system administrator will be to monitor the cluster and determine if
a transfer of package has occurred. If a transfer has occurred, you have to determine the cause
and take corrective actions.
238 Cluster and Package Maintenance