HP StorageWorks SAN Virtualization Services Platform SMI-S User Guide (5697-0209, April 2010)

Call PrimordialPoolCapabilities.CreateSetting(). Client receives a setting.
Client Invokes PrimordialPoolCapabilities.GetSupportedStripeLengthRange().
Client sets the setting ExtentStripeLength to desired number of VirtualDisks.
Client invokes PrimordialPoolCapabilities GetSupportedStripeDepths() method.
Set the Setting.UserDataStripeDepth to the desired number of bytes.
Invoke PrimordialPool.GetAvailableExtents() to retrieve the available extents.
Invoke PrimordialPool GetSupportedSizeRange() method to retrieve the smallest drive in Min
parameter and the sum of all drives in Max parameter.
Client calls CreateOrModifyStoragePool() and passes the available extents and setting.
4. Informed Client Creation of a Concrete StoragePool from Primordial StoragePool Component
Storage Extents and/or Stripe Set Composite Storage Extents:
Client looks for pools with StorageConfigurationCapabilities.SupportElementFeatures[] con-
taining "Storage Pool Creation".
Client invokes CreateSetting (either goal or default) on the PrimordialPoolStorageCapabilities
to retrieve a setting.
Client invokes GetAvailableExtents() on the PrimordialPool to assemble the InExtents parameter
for the CreateOrModifyStoragePool() method.
Client will invoke GetSupportedSizeRange() for the PrimordialPool.
The client passes desired extents into CreateOrModifyStoragePool(). Client may further specify
the PrimordialPool in InPools so that if the passed in extents are not enough to suffice the re-
quest, additional storage may be drawn from the primordial pool.
Any created settings may be deleted upon completion of the CreateOrModifyStoragePool,
or left to expire on its own.
5. Informed Client VirtualDisk Creation
Client chooses a StoragePool on which to create a StorageVirtualDisk.
Client invokes the associated StoragePoolCapabilities CreateSetting() to retrieve the default
Client invokes StoragePool.GetSupportSizeRange() and returns the size of the minimum and
maximum possible sizes.
Client invokes CreateOrModifyElementFromStoragePool() or CreateOrModifyElementFrom-
StoragePools() to create the virtual disk. Pass the chosen pool and the sizes to the method.
6. Change Storage Pool Free Capacity Alert Threshold
Once a pool is created, the LowSpaceWarningThreshold property can be set by using the
intrinsic SetInstance() method.
Health and fault management considerations
All methods in this profile are synchronous. Any invalid parameters or method failures should be
reported immediately by the method.
Additional details
Alert indications supported
These alert indications are defined in the SNIA Storage Message Registry and clause 9.3.3 of the
SMI-S Architecture book.
SAN Virtualization Services Platform SMI-S User Guide 55