HP Structured Records Management Solution Tutorial, August 2011

HP Database Archiving software 63
active database The database from which you plan to archive data. Typically, this database is your
online transaction processing (OLTP) or production database. In a two or three
tiered configuration, the active database resides on tier one and is the source for
data movement operations.
active environment The Web Console views and acts upon only one environment at a time, the active
environment. To switch the active environment, you use the Change Active option
in the Web Console.
activity In Designer, a component of a business flow, which is added by using the toolbar.
For example, you can add archive and reload activities to your business flow.
Note, activities in a business flow are different from what you see at runtime and
therefore do not necessarily map directly to what you see in Console.
advanced selection A method of data selection that discovers all of the interrelated rows from
multiple tables and conceptually places them in the same application partition for
annotation In Designer, a comment associated with the project, or one of its objects or
components. These comments are collected and published in a PDF file when you
right click a project or business flow and select Generate Documentation.
application partitioning The concept of partitioning related rows together during data selection, regardless
of whether they are in one or more tables. Application partitioning is unique to HP
Database Archiving and contrasts with the more common table partitioning
offered by the database management software, which only groups related rows
from one table.
archive data store The location where the data is to be archived. Can be a separate database, separate
space on the same database, or an XML file. In a two-tiered configuration, the
archive data store resides on tier two and can be a database or XML. In a
three-tiered configuration, the archive data store is a database on tier two and
XML on tier three, and is the target for data movement operations.
archive query server The component that provides SQL access to XML database archives.
bulk data movement A method of data movement that is optimized for moving large amounts of data
into an archive data store. With bulk, all of the eligible data is removed from the
active database during a production outage (the application is offline and not
accessible to users).
business flow A series of activities, such as archive operations and scripts, that run in sequence.
You build business flows in Designer.