HP Structured Records Management Solution Tutorial, August 2011
48 Chapter 7: Querying the archive
5 Select the next document, which is an MD5 summary. This is created by HP
Database Archiving as part of the extraction. It contains the md5 hash for the
summary.xml file and is used to check that the summary file has not been
tampered with.
After all the files have been imported into HP TRIM, it performs a validation
of their contents against the MD5 files created by HP Database Archiving
during extraction. The process creates a new hash for each imported data file
and compares it with the original hash in the summary document and reports
the outcome of the check.
TIP You can manually run this validation at any time in the future by right
clicking on the folder and choosing
Send To > Validate File Integrity from
the context menu.
6 The next five documents are the data, schema, and summary files. The
summary files describe the data and the schema files describe the XML
schema used. These descriptive schemas are tightly coupled with the data
because we may want to remodel the extract schema at some stage. To do that,
we would need to know which model was used for each run. This will help us
reconstitute and use the data for years to come.
TIP In some cases, it may be that this file is too large to preview, in which case
you will receive a message to that effect. In such cases, you can right-click the
document and choose View to see it.