User's Manual

Table 3-5. Transceiver Status Inquiry Commands
?15 Crystal Values
Value is returned in the form: "%xxyyzzaa"
See “%” remote command.
?16 Power Level Values
Returns the value in the form: "&aaabbbcccdddeeefffggghhhiiijjjkkk"
aaa = AM Low value.
bbb = AM High value.
ccc = FM Low value.
ddd = FM Medium value.
eee = FM High value.
fff = AM high value at 115 MHz.
ggg = AM high value at 152 MHz.
hhh = AM high value at 174 MHz.
iii = AM high value at 225 MHz.
jjj = AM high value at 400 MHz.
kkk = AM high value at 420 MHz.
?17 Tuning Filter Value Returns the value of the tuning filter pot. "}nnn" is the value returned where:
‘nnn’ = a value from 0 - 255.
?18 Reserved
?19 30_90 Tone
Returns the value in the form ">n"
n = 0 if receive and transmit tones are off.
= 1 if 150 Hz receive-tone is on.
= 2 if 150 Hz transmit-tone is on.
= 3 if both receive and transmit tones are on.
?20 to
Deviation Values
Returns the value in the form “Fxxx”
xxx = current value of that variable.
?71 Flat Slope Status Returns "fx" where ‘x’ = 0 if no flat slope and ‘x’ = 1 if flat slope is set.
5 kHz Spacing
Return the value in the form: “nx”
x = 0 if 5 kHz spacing is disabled.
X = 1 if 5 kHz spacing is enabled.
?73 Startup Enable
Returns the startup enable values as shown below:
“e.0a.1b” -- where:
a = 0 if speaker is off.
= 1 if speaker is on.
b = 0 if display lamp is off.
= 1 if display lamp is at intensity level 1.
= 1 if display lamp is at intensity level 2.
= 1 if display lamp is at intensity level 3.
Transceiver Control
Value is returned in the form: “q.00a.01b.02c.03d”
a = 0 if transceiver in old RF card mode.
= 1 if transceiver in new RF card mode.
b = 0 if PT & CT are channel specific.
= 1 if PT & CT are global.
c = 0 if CT squelch control is static.
= 1 if CT squelch control is dynamic.
d = 0 if scan stops after a PTT press/release.
= 1 if scan continues after a PTT press/release
?75 Timing and Delay
Value is returned in the form: “^.00aaa.01bbb”
aaa = DVI Shutdown Time (obsolete)
bbb = PTT Squelch Delay In 10 ms units)