- General Electric Excitation Control User's Guide
EX2100 User’s Guide GEH-6632 Glossary of Terms
hot backup
Two bridges are used but only one is connected to the field, the other (the backup) is
connected to a small dummy load. If the active bridge fails it is disconnected from
the field by relays, and the backup is connected.
Integrated Control System. ICS combines various power plant controls into a single
Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers. A United States-based society that
develops standards.
Input/output interfaces that allow the flow of data into and out of a device.
I/O drivers
Software that interfaces the controller with input/output devices, such as
communication networks, sensors, and solenoid valves.
IP address
The address assigned to a device on an Ethernet communication network.
line filter
Filter networks across the three-phase input lines to the exciter to minimize the
voltage spikes that result from the abrupt decay of current during SCR
LCI Static Starter
Electric power device that runs the generator as a motor to bring a gas turbine up to
starting speed.
A statement of a true sense, such as a Boolean.
Mark VI turbine controller
A control system hosted in one or more VME racks that performs turbine-specific
speed control, logic, and sequencing.