Users Guide

Replication Delete Options
Use the Delete Options page to select options for removing a replication destination volume and restore point.
Recycle Destination Volume—Select this checkbox if you want to move the destination volume to the Recycle Bin on the
destination Storage Center.
Delete Destination Volume—Select this checkbox if you do not want to retain the deleted destination volume in the Recycle Bin—
not recommended.
If you delete the destination volume, you cannot recover the volume on the destination (target) Storage
Center. The volume is permanently deleted.
Delete Restore Point—Select this checkbox if you want to delete the restore point for the replication.
Replication Modification Options
Use the Modification Options page to select options for replicating a datastore.
Replication Type—Select the type of replication to be used:
Live Volume, Asynchronous
Live Volume, Synchronous — High Availability
Live Volume, Synchronous — High Consistency
QoS Definition—Select a Quality of Service (QoS) definition for the replication. For information about creating or modifying QoS
definitions, see the Dell Storage Manager Administrator’s Guide.
Deduplication—Select this checkbox to copy only the changed portions of the Replay history on the source volume, rather than all
data captured in each snapshot.
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