Users Guide
boot Enter the keyword boot to change the boot image.
system Enter the keyword system to change the system image.
ftp: After entering the keyword ftp:, you can either follow it with the location of the source
le in this form: //userid:password@hostip/filepath or press Enter to launch a
prompt sequence.
scp: After entering the keyword scp:, you can either follow it with the location of the source
le in this form: //userid:password@hostip/filepath or press Enter to launch a
prompt sequence.
slot0: After entering the keyword slot0:, you can either follow it with the location of the
source le in this form: //hostlocation/filepath or press Enter to launch a
prompt sequence.
tftp: After entering the keyword tftp:, you can either follow it with the location of the source
le in this form: //hostlocation/filepath or press Enter to launch a prompt
ash: After entering the keyword flash:, you can either follow it with the location of the
source le in this form: flash//filepath or press Enter to launch a prompt sequence.
A: | B: Enter the partition to upgrade from the ash.
stack-unit: Enter the keywords stack-unit: to synch the image to the stack-unit.
le-url Enter the following location keywords and information to upgrade using an Dell
Networking OS image other than the one currently running:
• To specify an Dell Networking OS image on the internal ash, enter flash://
To specify an Dell Networking OS image on an FTP server, enter ftp://
• To specify an Dell Networking OS image on the external ash, enter slot0://
• To copy a le on a TFTP server, enter tftp://hostip/filepath/filename.
where hostip is either an IPv4 dotted decimal address or an IPv6 URI [x:x:x:x::x] format
Defaults none
Command Modes EXEC Privilege
Command History
This guide is platform-specic. For command information about other platforms, see the relevant Dell Networking
OS Command Line Reference Guide.
Version Description
9.8(0.0P5) Introduced on the S4048-ON.
9.8(0.0P2) Introduced on the S3048-ON.
9.0(0.0) Added support for IPv6 for the file-url parameter. Introduced on the S4820T. Introduced on the Z9000. Added support for the SSD on the Z9000 only.
84 File Management