Users Guide
access-group name Enter the keyword access-group then the access list name (maximum 16 characters)
to limit the debug output based on the dened rules in the ACL.
count value (OPTIONAL) Enter the keyword count then the count value. The range is from 1 to
65534. The default is Infinity.
interface (OPTIONAL) Enter the following keywords and the interface information:
• For the Management interface on the stack-unit, enter the keyword
ManagementEthernet then the slot/port information.
• For a port channel interface, enter the keywords port-channel then a number.
For a VLAN interface, enter the keyword vlan then a number from 1 to 4094.
Command Modes EXEC Privilege
Command History
This guide is platform-specic. For command information about other platforms, see the relevant Dell Networking
OS Command Line Reference Guide.
Version Description
9.8(1.0) Introduced on the Z9100–ON.
9.8(0.0P5) Introduced on the S4048-ON.
9.8(0.0P2) Introduced on the S3048-ON.
9.7(0.0) Introduced on the S6000-ON.
9.2(1.0) Introduced on the Z9500. Introduced on the S6000. Introduced on the S4820T. Introduced on the Z9000. Added support for 4-port 40G line cards on the E-Series. Introduced on the S4810. Added support for 4094 VLANs on the E-Series (the prior limit was 2094). Introduced on the E-Series. Added the access-group option. Introduced on the S-Series. Introduced on the C-Series. Added the count option.
Usage Information The following describes the debug ip packet command in the following example.
Field Description
s= Lists the source address of the packet and the name of the interface (in parentheses)
that received the packet.
d= Lists the destination address of the packet and the name of the interface (in
parentheses) through which the packet is being sent out on the network.
IPv4 Routing 741