Users Guide

Field Description
Output 0... Displays the type and number of packets sent out the interface. This information is
displayed over three lines.
Rate information... Displays the trac rate information into and out of the interface. Trac rate is displayed in
bits and packets per second.
Time since... Displays the time since the last change in the conguration of this interface.
Dell# show interfaces port-channel 20
Port-channel 20 is up, line protocol is up (Failover-group 1 is down)
Hardware address is 00:01:e8:01:46:fa
Port-channel is part of failover-group 1
Internet address is
MTU 1554 bytes, IP MTU 1500 bytes
LineSpeed 2000 Mbit
Members in this channel: Gi 2/5 Gi 2/18
ARP type: ARPA, ARP timeout 04:00:00
Last clearing of "show interfaces" counters 00:00:00
Queueing strategy: fifo
44507301 packets input, 3563070343 bytes
Input 44506754 IP Packets, 0 Vlans 0 MPLS
41 64-byte pkts, 44502871 over 64-byte pkts, 249 over 127-byte pkts
407 over 255-byte pkts, 3127 over 511-byte pkts, 606 over 1023-byte pkts
Received 0 input symbol errors, 0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles
0 CRC, 0 IP Checksum, 0 overrun, 0 discarded
1218120 packets output, 100745130 bytes, 0 underruns
Output 5428 Multicasts, 4 Broadcasts, 1212688 Unicasts
1216142 IP Packets, 0 Vlans, 0 MPLS
0 throttles, 0 discarded
Rate info (interval 299 sec):
Input 01.50Mbits/sec, 2433 packets/sec
Output 00.02Mbits/sec,4 packets/sec
Time since last interface status change: 00:22:34
User Information The following describes the show interfaces port-channel brief command shown in the following
Field Description
LAG Lists the port channel number.
Mode Lists the mode:
L3 — for Layer 3
L2 — for Layer 2
Status Displays the status of the port channel.
down — if the port channel is disabled (shutdown)
up — if the port channel is enabled (no shutdown)
Uptime Displays the age of the port channel in hours:minutes:seconds.
Ports Lists the interfaces assigned to this port channel.
(untitled) Displays the status of the physical interfaces (up or down).
In Layer 2 port channels, an * (asterisk) indicates which interface is the primary port
of the port channel. The primary port sends out interface PDU.
708 Interfaces