Users Guide
Version Description
9.11(0.0) Introduced on the M I/O Aggregator and FN IOM.
9.10(0.1) Introduced on the S6010-ON and S4048T-ON.
9.10(0.0) Introduced on the S3148.
9.10(0.0) Introduced on the C9010, Z9100–ON, S6100–ON, and S3100 series.
9.9(0.0) Introduced on the S4810, S4820T, S3048–ON, S4048–ON, S5000, S6000, S6000–ON,
Z9500, MXL.
Usage Information
You are guided through a series of queries to congure SupportAssist. The generated commands are added to the
running conguration, including the DNS resolve commands, if congured.
This command starts the conguration wizard for the SupportAssist. At any time, you can exit by entering Ctrl-C. If
necessary, you can skip some data entry.
Once you exit the wizard, the Dell Networking OS starts a full transfer.
support-assist activity
Trigger an activity event immediately.
support-assist activity {full-transfer | core-transfer} start now
full-transfer Enter the keyword full-transfer to specify transfer of conguration, inventory, logs,
and other information.
core-transfer Enter the keyword core-transfer to specify transfer of core les.
Command Modes EXEC Privilege
Command History
This guide is platform-specic. For command information about other platforms, see the relevant Dell Networking
OS Command Line Reference Guide.
Version Description
9.11(0.0) Introduced on the M I/O Aggregator and FN IOM.
9.10(0.0) Introduced on the C9010, Z9100–ON, S6100–ON, and S3100 series.
9.9(0.0) Introduced on the S4810, S4820T, S3048–ON, S4048–ON, S5000, S6000, S6000–ON,
Z9500, MXL.
Usage Information Use the command to trigger the activity that enables transfer of information. You can choose a full transfer that
includes all the details or core transfer that includes only the core les.
NOTE: The full transfer includes the core les as well in the information sent. The core transfer does
not send core les that are older than 30 days.
SupportAssist 1569