Users Guide

Virtual-IP IPv6 address is not set
MTU 1554 bytes, IP MTU 1500 bytes
LineSpeed 10 Mbit, Mode full duplex
ARP type: ARPA, ARP Timeout 04:00:00
Last clearing of "show interface" counters 04:01:08
Queueing strategy: fifo
Input 943 packets, 78347 bytes, 190 multicast
Received 0 errors, 0 discarded
Output 459 packets, 102388 bytes, 15 multicast
Output 0 errors, 0 invalid protocol
Time since last interface status change: 00:03:09
Ethernet, two IPv6
Dell# show interfaces managementethernet 1/1
ManagementEthernet 1/1 is up, line protocol is up
Hardware is DellForce10Eth, address is 00:01:e8:a0:bf:f3
Current address is 00:01:e8:a0:bf:f3
Pluggable media not present
Interface index is 302006472
Internet address is
Link local IPv6 address: fe80::201:e8ff:fea0:bff3/64
Global IPv6 address: 1::1/
Global IPv6 address: 2::1/64
Virtual-IP is not set
Virtual-IP IPv6 address is not set
MTU 1554 bytes, IP MTU 1500 bytes
LineSpeed 1000 Mbit, Mode full duplex
ARP type: ARPA, ARP Timeout 04:00:00
Last clearing of "show interface" counters 00:06:14
Queueing strategy: fifo
Input 791 packets, 62913 bytes, 775 multicast
Received 0 errors, 0 discarded
Output 21 packets, 3300 bytes, 20 multicast
Output 0 errors, 0 invalid protocol
Time since last interface status change: 00:06:03
Example (OpenFlow
Dell# show interfaces vlan 6
Vlan 6 is down, line protocol is down
Address is 00:01:e8:8a:e1:8c, Current address is 00:01:e8:8a:e1:8c
Interfaces 637