Users Guide
• The no form of the command without multicast-bandwidth and wred-profile, removes both the
wred-prole and multicast-bandwidth conguration.
• On 10-Gigabit ports only, the multicast bandwidth option works only if the total unicast bandwidth is more than
the multicast bandwidth.
• If strict priority is applied along with multicast-bandwidth, the eect of strict priority is on all ports where
unicast and multicast bandwidth are applied.
• When multicast bandwidth is assigned along with unicast bandwidth, rst multicast bandwidth is reserved for
that port, then the remaining unicast bandwidth congured is adjusted according to the bandwidth available
after reserving for multicast bandwidth.
queue ingress
Assign a WRED Curve to all eight ingress Multicast queues or designate the percentage for the Multicast bandwidth queue.
queue ingress multicast {linecard slot number port-set number | all} [wred-
profile name]
To return to the default, use the no queue ingress multicast {linecard slot number port-set
number | all} [wred-profile name] command.
linecard number Enter the keyword linecard then the line card slot number.
port-set number Enter the keywords port-set then the line card’s port pipe. The range is from 0 or 1.
all Enter the keyword all to apply to all line cards.
wred-prole name (OPTIONAL) Enter the keywords wred-profile then your WRED prole name in
character format (16 character maximum). Or use one of the pre-dened WRED prole
Pre-dened Proles: wred_drop, wred-ge_y, wred_ge_g, wred_teng_y, wred_teng_g.
Defaults none
Command History
This guide is platform-specic. For command information about other platforms, see the relevant Dell Networking
OS Command Line Reference Guide.
Version Description
9.8(0.0P5) Introduced on the S4048-ON.
9.8(0.0P2) Introduced on the S3048-ON. Introduced on the S4820T. Introduced on the S4810. and Introduced on the E-Series.
Usage Information
This command does not uniquely identify a queue, but rather identies only a set of queues. The WRED Curve is
applied to all eight ingress Multicast queues.
NOTE: The multicast-bandwidth option is not supported on queue ingress. If you attempt to use
the multicast-bandwidth option, the following reject error message is generated: %
Error:Bandwidth-percent is not allowed for ingress multicast
1202 Quality of Service (QoS)