Users Guide

The no form of the command without multicast-bandwidth and wred-profile, removes both the
wred-prole and multicast-bandwidth conguration.
On 10-Gigabit ports only, the multicast bandwidth option works only if the total unicast bandwidth is more than
the multicast bandwidth.
If strict priority is applied along with multicast-bandwidth, the eect of strict priority is on all ports where
unicast and multicast bandwidth are applied.
When multicast bandwidth is assigned along with unicast bandwidth, rst multicast bandwidth is reserved for
that port, then the remaining unicast bandwidth congured is adjusted according to the bandwidth available
after reserving for multicast bandwidth.
queue ingress
Assign a WRED Curve to all eight ingress Multicast queues or designate the percentage for the Multicast bandwidth queue.
queue ingress multicast {linecard slot number port-set number | all} [wred-
profile name]
To return to the default, use the no queue ingress multicast {linecard slot number port-set
number | all} [wred-profile name] command.
linecard number Enter the keyword linecard then the line card slot number.
port-set number Enter the keywords port-set then the line card’s port pipe. The range is from 0 or 1.
all Enter the keyword all to apply to all line cards.
wred-prole name (OPTIONAL) Enter the keywords wred-profile then your WRED prole name in
character format (16 character maximum). Or use one of the pre-dened WRED prole
Pre-dened Proles: wred_drop, wred-ge_y, wred_ge_g, wred_teng_y, wred_teng_g.
Defaults none
Command History
This guide is platform-specic. For command information about other platforms, see the relevant Dell Networking
OS Command Line Reference Guide.
Version Description
9.8(0.0P5) Introduced on the S4048-ON.
9.8(0.0P2) Introduced on the S3048-ON. Introduced on the S4820T. Introduced on the S4810. and Introduced on the E-Series.
Usage Information
This command does not uniquely identify a queue, but rather identies only a set of queues. The WRED Curve is
applied to all eight ingress Multicast queues.
NOTE: The multicast-bandwidth option is not supported on queue ingress. If you attempt to use
the multicast-bandwidth option, the following reject error message is generated: %
Error:Bandwidth-percent is not allowed for ingress multicast
1202 Quality of Service (QoS)