Administrator Guide

Table Of Contents
Prerequisites for Permanently Promoting a Replica Set to a Volume
The following constraints apply:
In some cases, you cannot permanently promote a replica set in a single operation. If you cannot deselect the Keep ability to
demote to replica set option, you must temporarily promote the replica set and then make the promotion permanent. See
Promote an Inbound Replica Set to a Recovery Volume and Make an Inbound Replica Set Promotion Permanent.
Before you can permanently promote a template replica set, you must permanently promote all the attached thin clone replica
You need the following information:
A new volume name must be unique in the group. Name can be up to 63 bytes and is case-insensitive. You can use any printable
Unicode character except for ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , / ; < = > ?@ [ \ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~. First and last characters cannot be a period,
hyphen, or colon. Fewer characters are accepted for this eld if you type the value as a Unicode character string, which takes up
a variable number of bytes, depending on the specic character.
Access controls for the recovery volume. You can specify one or more CHAP user names, an IP address, or an iSCSI initiator
Whether to allow initiators with dierent iSCSI qualied names (IQNs) access to the volume. See Allow or Disallow Multihost
Volume Access.
Before permanently promoting a replica set, you must stop all pending failback operations on the volume or replications to the
primary group.
Permanently Promote a Replica Set to a Volume
To permanently promote a replica set to a volume in one operation:
1. Log in to the secondary group.
2. Click Replication.
3. Expand the partner and then expand Inbound Replicas.
4. Select the replica set name.
5. Click Promote to volume.
6. Conrm that you want to pause inbound replication from the partner to open the Promote replica set – Volume options dialog
box. In the dialog box:
Choose whether to set the volume online or oine.
Choose whether to retain the iSCSI target name of the original volume. (Using the target name can facilitate initiator access
to the volume.)
Clear the Keep ability to demote to replica set option.
7. Click Next to open the Promote Replica Set – Volume Settings dialog box:
Name can be up to 63 bytes and is case-insensitive. You can use any printable Unicode character except for ! " # $ % &
' ( ) * + , / ; < = > ?@ [ \ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~. First and last characters cannot be a period, hyphen, or colon. Fewer characters
are accepted for this eld if you type the value as a Unicode character string, which takes up a variable number of bytes,
depending on the specic character.
(Optional) Type a description.
Select the storage pool.
8. Click Next to open the Promote Replica Set – iSCSI Access dialog box and specify the following information:
Select what kind of access type to apply to the volume (Copy another volume's controls, Dene access control policy, or
one or more basic access points). You can also choose to not allow access.
Select the access controls using the options you see based on the access type you chose.
Choose whether to allow initiators with dierent iSCSI qualied names (IQNs) access to the volume.
9. Click Next.
10. Review the information in the Promote replica set – Summary dialog box.
11. Click Finish, or click Back to make changes.
The replica set disappears from the list of inbound replicas, and the new volume appears in the list of volumes.
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