White Paper iDRAC9 vs. iDRAC8 RESTful API Capabilities Abstract This technical brief showcases the advantages and features that are available in iDRAC9 vs.
Revisions Revisions Date Description July 2021 Initial release Acknowledgments Author: V. Sreelakshmi, Ajay Shenoy, Hari Venkatachalam, Aparna Giri The information in this publication is provided “as is.” Dell Inc. makes no representations or warranties of any kind with respect to the information in this publication, and specifically disclaims implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
Table of contents Table of contents Revisions.............................................................................................................................................................................2 Acknowledgments ...............................................................................................................................................................2 Table of contents ................................................................................................
Executive summary Executive summary OpenManage Portfolio helps IT administrators deploy, update, monitor, and manage IT assets and to quickly respond to issues. This helps them manage Dell EMC PowerEdge servers efficiently in physical, virtual, local, and remote environments by using in-band and out-of-band technologies. iDRAC is at the core of OpenManage offerings.
Technical support and resources 1 Introduction - iDRAC9 RESTful APIs The integrated Dell remote access controller (iDRAC) is the Industry leading embedded management system. iDRAC9 provides a secure way to automate end to end server management tasks. Since iDRAC is embedded, there is no additional software to install—just plug in power and network cables, and iDRAC9 is ready to go.
Technical support and resources Class Name Metho ds dcim_pcidevicevie w slotlength N/A dcim_nicview iscsioffload mode N/A dcim_softwareinst allationservice dcim_powersuppl y 6 Property Name dcim_nicview N/A systemnam e devicenumb er dcim_lcservice N/A dcim_persistentst orageservice N/A dcim_persistentst orageservice N/A dcim_persistentst orageservice N/A iDRAC9 Redfish API Mapping (14G/15G) m.Embedded.1/ DellNumericSen sor /redfish/v1/Dell /Systems/Syste m.Embedded.
Technical support and resources Class Name dcim_persistentst orageservice N/A dcim_persistentst orageservice N/A Metho ds deletep artition detach partitio n export datafro mpartit ion iDRAC9 Redfish API Mapping (14G/15G) N/A dcim_persistentst orageservice N/A dcim_persistentst orageservice N/A dcim_persistentst orageservice N/A Remove for 15G and Support for 14G Remove for 15G initializ and Support for emedia 14G modify Remove for 15G partitio and Support for n 14G vflashst Remove for 15G at
Technical support and resources Class Name Property Name Metho ds iDRAC9 Redfish API Mapping (14G/15G) Redfish Mapping DMTFOEM areInventory/{ID } DCIM_SoftwareId entity DCIM_SoftwareId entity DCIM_SoftwareId entity dcim_physicaldisk view dcim_physicaldisk view dcim_physicaldisk view dcim_physicaldisk view 8 InstanceID redfish/v1/Upda teService/Firmw areInventory/{ID } VersionStrin g redfish/v1/Upda teService/Firmw areInventory/{ID } Updateable busprotocol devicedescri ption fqdd hots
Technical support and resources Class Name dcim_physicaldisk view dcim_physicaldisk view dcim_physicaldisk view dcim_physicaldisk view dcim_physicaldisk view dcim_physicaldisk view dcim_physicaldisk view 9 Property Name instanceid manufactur er maxcapable speed mediatype model primarystat us remainingra tedwriteend urance Metho ds N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A iDRAC9 Redfish API Mapping (14G/15G) redfish/v1/Syste ms/System.Emb edded.1/Storage /CPU.1/Drives/D isk.Bay.9:Enclos ure.
Technical support and resources Class Name dcim_physicaldisk view dcim_physicaldisk view dcim_physicaldisk view dcim_physicaldisk view Property Name revision rollupstatus securitystat e serialnumbe r dcim_physicaldisk view sizeinbytes dcim_physicaldisk view supportede ncryptionty pes[] dcim_physicaldisk view 10 blocksizeinb ytes Metho ds iDRAC9 Redfish API Mapping (14G/15G) N/A redfish/v1/Syste ms/System.Emb edded.1/Storage /CPU.1/Drives/D isk.Bay.9:Enclos ure.Internal.
Technical support and resources Class Name Property Name FQDD redfish/v1/Syste ms/System.Emb edded.1/Storage /{ID}/Volumes ID DCIM_PCIeSSDVie w MediaType DCIM_VirtualDisk View DCIM_VirtualDisk View DCIM_VirtualDisk View DCIM_VirtualDisk View 11 Redfish Mapping ProductID BusProtocol DCIM_VirtualDisk View iDRAC9 Redfish API Mapping (14G/15G) redfish/v1/Syste ms/System.Emb edded.1/Storage /{Slot ID}/Drives/{ID} redfish/v1/Syste ms/System.Emb edded.
Technical support and resources Class Name DCIM_VirtualDisk View DCIM_VirtualDisk View DCIM_VirtualDisk View DCIM_VirtualDisk View dcim_controllerba tteryview dcim_controllervi ew dcim_controllervi ew 12 Property Name Metho ds iDRAC9 Redfish API Mapping (14G/15G) Redfish Mapping DMTFOEM iDRAC8 Redfish API Mapping (13G) DMTF /redfish/v1/Syst ems/System.Em bedded.1/Stora ge/Volumes/{ID } DMTF redfish/v1/Syste ms/System.Emb edded.
Technical support and resources Class Name dcim_controllervi ew dcim_controllervi ew dcim_controllervi ew dcim_controllervi ew dcim_controllervi ew dcim_controllervi ew dcim_controllervi ew dcim_controllervi ew 13 Property Name Metho ds iDRAC9 Redfish API Mapping (14G/15G) Redfish Mapping N/A redfish/v1/Syste ms/System.Emb edded.1/Storage Descriptio /{ID} n N/A redfish/v1/Syste ms/System.Emb edded.1/Storage /{ID} ID N/A redfish/v1/Syste ms/System.Emb edded.
Technical support and resources Class Name dcim_controllervi ew Property Name primarystat us Metho ds N/A iDRAC9 Redfish API Mapping (14G/15G) Redfish Mapping redfish/v1/Syste ms/System.Emb edded.1/Storage /{ID} Status DMTF DMTF redfish/v1/Syste ms/System.Emb edded.1/Storag e/{ID}/Volumes DMTF NA DMTF /redfish/v1/Syst ems/System.Em bedded.1/Secur eBoot/Actions/S ecureBoot.Rese tKeys Totalcores DMTF /redfish/v1/Syst ems/System.Em bedded.
Technical support and resources Class Name DCIM_CPUView DCIM_CPUView DCIM_CPUView DCIM_PCIDeviceVi ew Property Name CPUStatus Manufactur er redfish/v1/Syste ms/System.Emb edded.1/Process ors/{ID} Model redfish/v1/Syste ms/System.Emb edded.1/Process ors/{ID} Manufactur er redfish/v1/Syste ms/System.Emb edded.1/PCIeDe vices/{ID} FQDD dcim_memoryvie w cachesize dcim_memoryvie w 15 iDRAC9 Redfish API Mapping (14G/15G) redfish/v1/Syste ms/System.Emb edded.
Technical support and resources Class Name dcim_memoryvie w dcim_memoryvie w dcim_memoryvie w Property Name fqdd instanceid manufactur er Metho ds iDRAC9 Redfish API Mapping (14G/15G) N/A redfish/v1/Syste ms/System.Emb edded.1/Memor y/{ID} N/A redfish/v1/Syste ms/System.Emb edded.1/Memor y/{ID} N/A redfish/v1/Syste ms/System.Emb edded.1/Memor y/{ID} Redfish Mapping DMTF DMTF /redfish/v1/Syst ems/System.Em bedded.1/Mem ory/{ID} DMTF /redfish/v1/Syst ems/System.Em bedded.
Technical support and resources Class Name dcim_memoryvie w dcim_memoryvie w dcim_memoryvie w Property Name serialnumbe r size speed Metho ds iDRAC9 Redfish API Mapping (14G/15G) N/A redfish/v1/Syste ms/System.Emb edded.1/Memor y/{ID} N/A redfish/v1/Syste ms/System.Emb edded.1/Memor y/{ID} N/A redfish/v1/Syste ms/System.Emb edded.1/Memor y/{ID} redfish/v1/Syste ms/System.Emb edded.
Technical support and resources Class Name Property Name Reques tPower Change DCIM_CSPowerM anagementService Create Reboot Job DCIM_SoftwareIn stallationService DCIM_ComputerS ystem OtherIdentif yingInfo DCIM_SystemVie w PopulatedDI MMSlots DCIM_SystemVie w sysMemPri maryStatus dcim_presencean dstatussensor creationclas sname dcim_presencean dstatussensor dcim_presencean dstatussensor sensortype systemcreat ionclassnam e dcim_systemview assettag dcim_systemview biosversions tring 18 Me
Technical support and resources Class Name Property Name Metho ds iDRAC9 Redfish API Mapping (14G/15G) redfish/v1/Syste ms/System.Emb edded.1 Redfish Mapping DMTF SerialNum ber DMTF /redfish/v1/Syst ems/System.Em bedded.1 NA DMTF NA DMTF /redfish/v1/Syst ems/System.Em bedded.1 DMTF /redfish/v1/Syst ems/System.Em bedded.1 DMTF /redfish/v1/Syst ems/System.Em bedded.1 DMTF /redfish/v1/Syst ems/System.Em bedded.1 DMTF /redfish/v1/Syst ems/System.Em bedded.
Technical support and resources Class Name Property Name Metho ds iDRAC9 Redfish API Mapping (14G/15G) Redfish Mapping platformg uid (OEM Attribute) DMTF NA NA DMTF NA NA DMTF NA DMTF /redfish/v1/Syst ems/System.Em bedded.1 DMTF /redfish/v1/Syst ems/System.Em bedded.1 DMTF /redfish/v1/Syst ems/System.Em bedded.1 DMTF /redfish/v1/Syst ems/System.Em bedded.1 DMTF /redfish/v1/Syst ems/System.Em bedded.1 DMTF NA DMTF /redfish/v1/Ma nagers/iDRAC.E mbedded.
Technical support and resources Class Name Property Name Metho ds iDRAC9 Redfish API Mapping (14G/15G) Redfish Mapping DMTFOEM es/iDRAC.Embe dded.1 dcim_idraccardvie w dcim_idraccardvie w dcim_idraccardvie w dcim_idraccardvie w dcim_idraccardvie w dnsdomainn ame dnsracname firmwarever sion fqdd guid N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A dcim_idraccardvie w instanceid N/A dcim_idraccardvie w lanenableds tate N/A 21 redfish/v1/Man agers/iDRAC.Em bedded.1/Oem/ Dell/DellAttribut es/iDRAC.Embe dded.
Technical support and resources Class Name Property Name Metho ds dcim_idraccardvie w model N/A dcim_idraccardvie w permanent macaddress N/A dcim_idraccardvie w productdesc ription dcim_idraccardvie w solenabledst ate N/A DCIM_SelRecordL og N/A ClearLo g dcim_faultlist fqdd N/A dcim_faultlist instanceid N/A 22 iDRAC9 Redfish API Mapping (14G/15G) Dell/DellAttribut es/iDRAC.Embe dded.1 redfish/v1/Man agers/iDRAC.Em bedded.1/Oem/ Dell/DellAttribut es/iDRAC.Embe dded.
Technical support and resources Class Name Property Name Metho ds iDRAC9 Redfish API Mapping (14G/15G) dcim_faultlist message N/A dcim_faultlist messagearg uments[] N/A dcim_faultlist messageid N/A dcim_faultlist severity N/A dcim_faultlist subsystem N/A dcim_faultlist timestamp N/A dcim_idraccardser vice N/A applyat tribute redfish/v1/Man agers/iDRAC.Em bedded.1/LogSe rvices/FaultList redfish/v1/Man agers/iDRAC.Em bedded.1/LogSe rvices/FaultList redfish/v1/Man agers/iDRAC.
Technical support and resources Class Name Property Name Metho ds iDRAC9 Redfish API Mapping (14G/15G) import system configu rationp review /redfish/v1/Man agers/iDRAC.Em bedded.1/Actio ns/Oem/EID_67 4_Manager.Imp ortSystemConfig urationPreview DCIM_LCService Import System Config uration redfish/v1/Man agers/iDRAC.Em bedded.1/Actio ns/Oem/EID_67 4_Manager.Imp ortSystemConfig uration dcim_cspowerma nagementservice reques tpower statech ange redfish/v1/Man agers/iDRAC.Em bedded.1/Actio ns/Manager.
Technical support and resources Class Name Property Name Metho ds DCIM_LifeCycleJo b JobName dcim_rollupstatus collection collectionna me N/A dcim_rollupstatus collection instanceid N/A dcim_rollupstatus collection rollupstatus N/A dcim_rollupstatus collection subsystem N/A dcim_psnumerics ensor creationclas sname N/A dcim_psnumerics ensor deviceid N/A dcim_psnumerics ensor dcim_psnumerics ensor 25 lowerthresh oldcritical lowerthresh oldnoncritic al N/A N/A iDRAC9 Redfish API Map
Technical support and resources Class Name Property Name Metho ds iDRAC9 Redfish API Mapping (14G/15G) dcim_psnumerics ensor sensortype N/A dcim_psnumerics ensor systemcreat ionclassnam e N/A dcim_psnumerics ensor upperthresh oldcritical dcim_psnumerics ensor upperthresh oldnoncritic al N/A dcim_usbdevicevi ew instanceid N/A dcim_systemquick syncview instanceid N/A dcim_licensablede vice instanceid N/A ellPSNumericSe nsor/{ID} redfish/v1/Dell/ Systems/System .Embedded.
Technical support and resources Class Name dcim_powerredun dancyset dcim_powerredun dancyset dcim_powerredun dancyset Property Name instanceid minnumber needed redundancy status Metho ds iDRAC9 Redfish API Mapping (14G/15G) N/A redfish/v1/Chas sis/System.Emb edded.1/Power# /PowerSupplies/ {ID} N/A redfish/v1/Chas sis/System.Emb edded.1/Power# /PowerSupplies/ {ID} N/A redfish/v1/Chas sis/System.Emb edded.1/Power# /PowerSupplies/ {ID} Redfish Mapping DMTF DMTF /redfish/v1/Cha ssis/System.
Technical support and resources Class Name dcim_powersuppl y dcim_powersuppl y dcim_powersuppl y dcim_powersuppl y dcim_powersuppl y dcim_powersuppl y 28 Property Name elementna me enabledstat e healthstate inputpower units isacinput isacoutput Metho ds iDRAC9 Redfish API Mapping (14G/15G) Redfish Mapping N/A redfish/v1/Chas sis/System.Emb edded.1/Power# /PowerSupplies/ {ID} N/A redfish/v1/Chas sis/System.Emb edded.1/Power# /PowerSupplies/ {ID} N/A redfish/v1/Chas sis/System.
Technical support and resources Class Name dcim_powersuppl y dcim_powersuppl y dcim_powersuppl y Property Name primarystat us range1input voltagehigh range1maxi nputpower Metho ds iDRAC9 Redfish API Mapping (14G/15G) N/A redfish/v1/Chas sis/System.Emb edded.1/Power# /PowerSupplies/ {ID} N/A redfish/v1/Chas sis/System.Emb edded.1/Power# /PowerSupplies/ {ID} Present[P owerSupp lies/Input Ranges] N/A redfish/v1/Chas sis/System.Emb edded.
Technical support and resources Class Name dcim_powersuppl yview dcim_powersuppl yview dcim_powersuppl yview dcim_powersuppl yview dcim_powersuppl yview dcim_powersuppl yview 30 Property Name effectivecap acity instanceid linestatus redminnum berneeded redtypeofse t[] redundancy status Metho ds iDRAC9 Redfish API Mapping (14G/15G) N/A redfish/v1/Chas sis/System.Emb edded.1/Power# /PowerSupplies/ {ID} N/A redfish/v1/Chas sis/System.Emb edded.
Technical support and resources Class Name dcim_niccapabiliti es dcim_niccapabiliti es dcim_niccapabiliti es dcim_niccapabiliti es dcim_physicalpac kage 31 Property Name energyeffici entethernet fqdd instanceid rxflowcontr ol elementna me Metho ds N/A iDRAC9 Redfish API Mapping (14G/15G) redfish/v1/Chas sis/System.Emb edded.1/Networ kAdapters/NIC.E mbedded.1/Net workPorts/{ID} N/A redfish/v1/Chas sis/System.Emb edded.1/Networ kAdapters/NIC.E mbedded.
Technical support and resources Class Name dcim_physicalpac kage dcim_physicalpac kage dcim_physicalpac kage dcim_physicalpac kage Property Name manufactur er partnumber tag version dcim_chassis chassispack agetype dcim_chassis elementna me dcim_chassis manufactur er dcim_chassis dcim_chassis 32 model packagetype Metho ds iDRAC9 Redfish API Mapping (14G/15G) Redfish Mapping N/A redfish/v1/Chas sis/System.Emb edded.1/Assem bly#/Assemblies /{ID} redfish/v1/Chas sis/System.Emb edded.
Technical support and resources Class Name Property Name dcim_chassis partnumber dcim_chassis serialnumbe r dcim_chassis sku Metho ds Redfish Mapping N/A redfish/v1/Chas sis/System.Emb edded.1 PartNumb er N/A redfish/v1/Chas sis/System.Emb edded.1 SerialNum ber N/A redfish/v1/Chas sis/System.Emb edded.
Technical support and resources Class Name Property Name Metho ds dcim_enclosurefa nsensor sensortype N/A dcim_enclosurefa nsensor systemcreat ionclassnam e N/A dcim_enclosurefa nsensor systemnam e N/A dcim_enclosurete mperaturesensor creationclas sname N/A dcim_enclosurete mperaturesensor deviceid N/A dcim_enclosurete mperaturesensor systemcreat ionclassnam e N/A dcim_enclosurete mperaturesensor systemnam e N/A 34 iDRAC9 Redfish API Mapping (14G/15G) 1/Thermal#/Fan s/0 redfish/v1/
Technical support and resources Class Name dcim_enclosurevi ew Property Name assettag Metho ds N/A N/A N/A redfish/v1/Chas sis/Enclosure.Ex ternal.10:RAID.Slot.1-1 N/A redfish/v1/Chas sis/Enclosure.Ex ternal.10:RAID.Slot.1-1 N/A redfish/v1/Chas sis/Enclosure.Ex ternal.10:RAID.Slot.1-1 N/A redfish/v1/Chas sis/Enclosure.Ex ternal.10:RAID.Slot.
Technical support and resources Class Name dcim_enclosurevi ew dcim_enclosurevi ew Property Name psucount rollupstatus dcim_enclosurevi ew state dcim_numericsen sor upperthresh oldcritical dcim_numericsen sor upperthresh oldnoncritic al dcim_numericsen sor lowerthresh oldcritical dcim_numericsen sor lowerthresh oldnoncritic al Metho ds N/A redfish/v1/Chas sis/Enclosure.Ex ternal.10:RAID.Slot.1-1 N/A redfish/v1/Chas sis/Enclosure.Ex ternal.10:RAID.Slot.
Technical support and resources Class Name Property Name Metho ds dcim_psnumerics ensor rateunits N/A dcim_numericsen sor sensortype N/A dcim_numericsen sor baseunits N/A N/A modify persist entboo tconfig order N/A assignr oles N/A setasse ttag dcim_physicalcom putersystemview dcim_clprolebase dauthorizationser vice dcim_raidservice dcim_metricservic e peakre set dcim_metricservic ecapabilities N/A controllable managedele ments[] dcim_metricservic ecapabilities controllable metrics[]
Technical support and resources Class Name Property Name Metho ds dcim_metricservic ecapabilities metricscont roltypes[] N/A dcim_metricservic ecapabilities supportedm ethods[] N/A dcim_fcview dcim_fcview dcim_fcview dcim_virtualdiskvi ew dcim_systemman agementservice 38 portnumber wwpn wwn N/A N/A N/A iDRAC9 Redfish API Mapping (14G/15G) Present in redfish[Telemetr y] Present in redfish[Telemetr y] Present in redfish[Physical PortNumber] Present in redfish[Permane nt WWPN] Present
Technical support and resources Class Name Property Name Metho ds dcim_fcview fqdd N/A dcim_nicstatistics instanceid N/A dcim_fcview dcim_pciessdback planeview portspeed mediatype dcim_bioscertserv ice N/A dcim_bioscertserv ice N/A dcim_bioscertserv ice dcim_fcservice dcim_nicservice dcim_pciessdback planeview 39 N/A N/A N/A productnam e N/A N/A deleteb ootcert ificate export bootce rtificat e import bootce rtificat e deletep ending configu ration deletep ending configu ration N/A
Technical support and resources Class Name Property Name dcim_pciessdback planeview rollupstatus dcim_pciessdexte nderview fqdd dcim_pciessdexte nderview primarystat us dcim_raidservice N/A dcim_raidservice N/A dcim_raidservice N/A dcim_raidservice N/A dcim_systemman agementservice dcim_systemview 40 N/A rollupstatus Metho ds iDRAC9 Redfish API Mapping (14G/15G) Redfish Mapping DMTFOEM iDRAC8 Redfish API Mapping (13G) URIs are same in both 13G and 14G URIs are same in both 13G and
Technical support and resources Class Name dcim_fcview dcim_fcview Property Name virtualwwpn virtualwwn Metho ds iDRAC9 Redfish API Mapping (14G/15G) N/A /redfish/v1/Syst ems/System.Em bedded.1/Netw orkAdapters/{ID }/NetworkDevic eFunctions/{ID} N/A /redfish/v1/Syst ems/System.Em bedded.1/Netw orkAdapters/{ID }/NetworkDevic eFunctions/{ID} dcim_physicalpac kage devicefqdd N/A /redfish/v1/Cha ssis/System.Emb edded.1/Networ kAdapters/{ID}/ NetworkPorts/{I D} /redfish/v1/Dell /Chassis/System .
Technical support and resources Class Name Property Name Metho ds dcim_enclosurevi ew assetname dcim_controllerba tteryview devicedescri ption N/A dcim_controllerba tteryview fqdd N/A dcim_controllerba tteryview primarystat us N/A dcim_controllerba tteryview raidstate N/A dcim_controllervi ew keyid N/A dcim_enclosuree mmview devicedescri ption N/A dcim_enclosuree mmview state N/A dcim_enclosurefa nsensor baseunits N/A 42 N/A iDRAC9 Redfish API Mapping (14G/15G) C.Embedded.
Technical support and resources Class Name Property Name Metho ds dcim_enclosurefa nsensor currentreadi ng N/A dcim_enclosurefa nsensor devicedescri ption N/A dcim_enclosurefa nsensor elementna me dcim_enclosurefa nsensor lowerthresh oldcritical dcim_enclosurefa nsensor lowerthresh oldnoncritic al dcim_enclosurefa nsensor primarystat us N/A dcim_enclosurefa nsensor rateunits N/A settablethre sholds[] N/A state N/A dcim_enclosurefa nsensor dcim_enclosurefa nsensor 43 N/A N/A N/A
Technical support and resources Class Name Property Name Metho ds dcim_enclosurefa nsensor supportedth resholds[] N/A dcim_enclosurefa nsensor unitmodifier N/A dcim_enclosurefa nsensor upperthresh oldcritical dcim_enclosurefa nsensor upperthresh oldnoncritic al N/A dcim_enclosurete mperaturesensor baseunits N/A dcim_enclosurete mperaturesensor currentreadi ng N/A dcim_enclosurete mperaturesensor devicedescri ption dcim_enclosurete mperaturesensor elementna me 44 N/A N/A N/A iDRA
Technical support and resources Class Name Property Name Metho ds dcim_enclosurete mperaturesensor lowerthresh oldcritical dcim_enclosurete mperaturesensor lowerthresh oldnoncritic al N/A dcim_enclosurete mperaturesensor primarystat us N/A dcim_enclosurete mperaturesensor rateunits N/A dcim_enclosurete mperaturesensor sensortype N/A dcim_enclosurete mperaturesensor settablethre sholds[] N/A dcim_enclosurete mperaturesensor state N/A dcim_enclosurete mperaturesensor supportedth resho
Technical support and resources Class Name Property Name Metho ds iDRAC9 Redfish API Mapping (14G/15G) Redfish Mapping DMTFOEM ellEnclosureTem peratureSensor dcim_enclosurete mperaturesensor upperthresh oldcritical dcim_enclosurete mperaturesensor upperthresh oldnoncritic al dcim_enclosurevi ew lastsystemin ventorytime dcim_enclosurevi ew lastupdateti me N/A dcim_enclosurevi ew tempprobec ount N/A dcim_fccapabilitie s dcim_fccapabilitie s dcim_fccapabilitie s 46 fcbootsuppo rt fcmax
Technical support and resources Class Name Property Name Metho ds dcim_fccapabilitie s fcmaxnumb erexchanges N/A dcim_fccapabilitie s fcmaxnumb erlogins N/A dcim_fccapabilitie s fcmaxnumb eroffctarget s N/A dcim_fccapabilitie s fcmaxnumb eroutstandi ngcommand s dcim_fccapabilitie s featurelicen singsupport dcim_fccapabilitie s flexaddressi ngsupport dcim_fccapabilitie s onchipther malsensor dcim_fccapabilitie s persistence policysuppo rt 47 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A iDRAC9 Redfish API
Technical support and resources Class Name Property Name Metho ds dcim_fccapabilitie s uefisupport N/A dcim_fcstatistics fcinvalidcrcs N/A dcim_fcstatistics fclinkfailure s N/A dcim_fcstatistics fclossofsign als N/A dcim_fcstatistics fcrxkbcount N/A dcim_fcstatistics fcrxsequenc es dcim_fcstatistics fcrxtotalfra mes N/A N/A dcim_fcstatistics fctxkbcount N/A dcim_fcstatistics fctxsequenc es N/A 48 iDRAC9 Redfish API Mapping (14G/15G) /redfish/v1/Dell /Chassis/System .Embedded.
Technical support and resources Class Name Property Name Metho ds iDRAC9 Redfish API Mapping (14G/15G) Redfish Mapping DMTFOEM etworkPorts/Del lFCPortMetrics dcim_fcstatistics fctxtotalfra mes dcim_fcstatistics dcim_fcstatistics osdriverstat e portspeed N/A N/A dcim_fcview bus N/A dcim_fcview chiptype N/A dcim_fcview device N/A dcim_fcview devicename N/A dcim_fcview efiversion N/A dcim_fcview fabricloginre trycount N/A 49 N/A /redfish/v1/Dell /Chassis/System .Embedded.
Technical support and resources Class Name dcim_fcview Property Name fabricloginti meout dcim_fcview fctapeenabl e firstfctargetl un firstfctarget wwpn dcim_fcview function dcim_fcview hardzonead dress dcim_fcview hardzoneen able dcim_fcview dcim_fcview Metho ds Redfish Mapping DMTFOEM iDRAC8 Redfish API Mapping (13G) N/A /redfish/v1/Dell /Chassis/System .Embedded.1/N etworkAdapters /DellFC /redfish/v1/Dell /Chassis/System .Embedded.
Technical support and resources Class Name Property Name dcim_fcview linkstatus dcim_fcview loopresetdel ay Metho ds NA DMTF NA N/A NA DMTF NA dcim_fcview portdownre trycount N/A dcim_fcview portdownti meout dcim_fcview portloginret rycount dcim_fcview 51 iDRAC8 Redfish API Mapping (13G) N/A N/A N/A dcim_fcview DMTFOEM N/A N/A pcideviceid dcim_fcview Redfish Mapping /redfish/v1/Syst ems/System.Em bedded.
Technical support and resources Class Name dcim_fcview Property Name vendornam e Metho ds N/A dcim_idraccardser vice N/A dcim_idraccardser vice N/A deleteg roup deletes slcertifi cate dcim_idraccardser vice N/A genera tesslcsr dcim_idraccardser vice N/A getboo tdevice list dcim_idraccardser vice N/A joingro up dcim_idraccardser vice N/A remov eself 52 iDRAC9 Redfish API Mapping (14G/15G) /redfish/v1/Cha ssis/System.Emb edded.
Technical support and resources Class Name Property Name Metho ds iDRAC9 Redfish API Mapping (14G/15G) Redfish Mapping DMTFOEM ervice.RemoveS elf N/A sendte stemail alert N/A sendte stsnmp trap dcim_idraccardser vice N/A sslreset cfg dcim_idraccardvie w lastsystemin ventorytime N/A dcim_idraccardvie w lastupdateti me N/A N/A setdele teonco mpleti ontime out dcim_idraccardser vice dcim_idraccardser vice dcim_jobservice 53 /redfish/v1/Dell /Managers/iDRA C.Embedded.
Technical support and resources Class Name dcim_lcservice dcim_lcservice Property Name Metho ds N/A deletea utodisc overycl ientcer ts N/A deletea utodisc overys erverp ublicke y iDRAC9 Redfish API Mapping (14G/15G) /redfish/v1/Dell /Managers/iDRA C.Embedded.1/ DellLCService/Ac tions/DellLCServ ice.DeleteAutoD iscoveryClientCe rts /redfish/v1/Dell /Managers/iDRA C.Embedded.1/ DellLCService/Ac tions/DellLCServ ice.DeleteAutoD iscoveryServerP ublicKey" /redfish/v1/Dell /Managers/iDRA C.Embedded.
Technical support and resources Class Name Property Name Metho ds agnosti csresul t N/A export errorm sgregis try dcim_lcservice N/A exports erversc reensh ot dcim_lcservice N/A exports vgfile N/A export videolo g dcim_lcservice dcim_lcservice dcim_lcservice N/A dcim_lcservice N/A dcim_lcservice N/A 55 iDRAC9 Redfish API Mapping (14G/15G) Redfish Mapping DMTFOEM C.Embedded.1/ DellLCService/Ac tions/DellLCServ ice.ExportePSAD iagnosticsResult NA /redfish/v1/Dell /Managers/iDRA C.
Technical support and resources Class Name Property Name Metho ds discove ry dcim_lcservice N/A dcim_lcservice N/A dcim_lcservice N/A runeps adiagn ostics setcerti ficatea ndpriva tekey setpubl iccertifi cate N/A suppor tassista ccepte ula N/A suppor tassistc learaut ocollec tsched ule N/A suppor tassistc ollectio n N/A suppor tassiste xportla dcim_lcservice dcim_lcservice dcim_lcservice dcim_lcservice 56 iDRAC9 Redfish API Mapping (14G/15G) Redfish Mapping DMTFOEM iDRAC8 Redfish
Technical support and resources Class Name Property Name Metho ds stcollec tion dcim_lcservice dcim_lcservice dcim_lcservice dcim_lcservice dcim_lcservice dcim_lcservice 57 iDRAC9 Redfish API Mapping (14G/15G) N/A suppor tassistg etauto collects chedul e N/A suppor tassistg eteulas tatus N/A suppor tassistr egister N/A suppor tassists etauto collects chedul e N/A suppor tassistu ploadla stcollec tion ce/Actions/DellL CService.
Technical support and resources Class Name Property Name Metho ds N/A testnet worksh are dcim_lcservice N/A update osapph ealthda ta dcim_licensablede vice deviceid N/A dcim_lcservice dcim_licensablede vice deviceprima rystatus dcim_licensablede vice devicestate dcim_licensablede vice devicestatus message dcim_licensablede vice devicestatus messageid 58 N/A N/A N/A N/A iDRAC9 Redfish API Mapping (14G/15G) C.Embedded.1/ DellLCService/Ac tions/DellLCServ ice.
Technical support and resources Class Name Property Name Metho ds dcim_licensablede vice devicetype N/A dcim_licensablede vice fqdd N/A dcim_licensablede vice licenselist[] N/A dcim_licensablede vice model N/A dcim_licensablede vice rollupstatus N/A dcim_licensablede vice subsystemid dcim_licensablede vice subsystemv endorid N/A dcim_licensablede vice uniqueid N/A dcim_licensablede vice vendorid N/A 59 N/A iDRAC9 Redfish API Mapping (14G/15G) /redfish/v1/Dell /Managers/iDRA C
Technical support and resources Class Name Property Name Metho ds dcim_license devicefamily deviceid[] dcim_license devicefamily subsystemid [] N/A dcim_license devicefamily subsystemv endorid[] N/A dcim_license devicefamily vendorid[] N/A dcim_license licenseattrib utes N/A dcim_license licensestatu smessage dcim_license dcim_licensemana gementservice dcim_memoryvie w 60 N/A N/A licensestatu smessageid N/A N/A exportl icenseb ydevice lastsystemin ventorytime N/A iDRAC9 Redfis
Technical support and resources Class Name Property Name Metho ds iDRAC9 Redfish API Mapping (14G/15G) Redfish Mapping DMTFOEM /Oem/Dell/Dell Memory dcim_memoryvie w lastupdateti me N/A dcim_memoryvie w memorytec hnology N/A dcim_memoryvie w remainingra tedwriteend urance dcim_memoryvie w N/A systemerase capability N/A dcim_metricservic e N/A exportt hermal history dcim_niccapabiliti es bpesupport N/A dcim_niccapabiliti es congestionn otification 61 N/A /redfish/v1/Syst ems/Sys
Technical support and resources Class Name Property Name Metho ds iDRAC9 Redfish API Mapping (14G/15G) Redfish Mapping DMTFOEM unctions/DellNI CCapabilities dcim_niccapabiliti es dcbexchang eprotocol N/A dcim_niccapabiliti es ets N/A dcim_niccapabiliti es evbmodessu pport N/A dcim_niccapabiliti es fcoemaxiosp ersession dcim_niccapabiliti es fcoemaxnpi vperport dcim_niccapabiliti es fcoemaxnu mberexchan ges dcim_niccapabiliti es dcim_niccapabiliti es 62 fcoemaxnu mberlogins fcoemaxnu
Technical support and resources Class Name dcim_niccapabiliti es Property Name fcoemaxnu mberoutsta ndingcomm ands Metho ds N/A dcim_niccapabiliti es featurelicen singsupport N/A dcim_niccapabiliti es ipsecoffload support N/A dcim_niccapabiliti es dcim_niccapabiliti es macsecsupp ort nicpartitioni ngsupport dcim_niccapabiliti es nwmanage mentpassthr ough N/A N/A N/A dcim_niccapabiliti es onchipther malsensor N/A dcim_niccapabiliti es openflowsu pport N/A 63 iDRAC9 Redfish API Mappin
Technical support and resources Class Name Property Name Metho ds dcim_niccapabiliti es osbmcmana gementpass through N/A dcim_niccapabiliti es partitionwol support N/A dcim_niccapabiliti es persistence policysuppo rt dcim_niccapabiliti es priorityflow control dcim_niccapabiliti es rdmasuppor t N/A dcim_niccapabiliti es remotephy N/A dcim_niccapabiliti es tcpchimneys upport 64 N/A N/A N/A iDRAC9 Redfish API Mapping (14G/15G) NetworkDeviceF unctions/DellNI CCapabilities /redfish/v1/D
Technical support and resources Class Name Property Name Metho ds iDRAC9 Redfish API Mapping (14G/15G) Redfish Mapping DMTFOEM unctions/DellNI CCapabilities dcim_niccapabiliti es dcim_niccapabiliti es txbandwidth controlmaxi mum N/A txbandwidth controlmini mum N/A txflowcontr ol N/A dcim_niccapabiliti es uefisupport N/A dcim_niccapabiliti es veb N/A dcim_niccapabiliti es dcim_niccapabiliti es vebvepamul tichannel dcim_niccapabiliti es dcim_niccapabiliti es vebvepasing lechannel vfsriovsu
Technical support and resources Class Name Property Name Metho ds dcim_niccapabiliti es wolsupport N/A dcim_nicstatistics discardedpk ts N/A dcim_nicstatistics fccrcerrorco unt N/A dcim_nicstatistics fcoelinkfailu res N/A dcim_nicstatistics fcoepktrxco unt N/A dcim_nicstatistics fcoepkttxco unt 66 N/A iDRAC9 Redfish API Mapping (14G/15G) /redfish/v1/Cha ssis/System.Emb edded.1/Networ kAdapters/{ID}/ NetworkDeviceF unctions/{ID} /redfish/v1/Dell /Systems/Syste m.Embedded.
Technical support and resources Class Name dcim_nicstatistics Property Name fcoerxpktdr oppedcount dcim_nicstatistics fqdd dcim_nicstatistics lanfcsrxerro rs dcim_nicstatistics lanunicastpk trxcount dcim_nicstatistics 67 lanunicastpk ttxcount Metho ds N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A iDRAC9 Redfish API Mapping (14G/15G) /redfish/v1/Dell /Systems/Syste m.Embedded.1/ NetworkAdapter s/NetworkDevic eFunctions/Dell NICPortMetrics /redfish/v1/Dell /Systems/Syste m.Embedded.
Technical support and resources Class Name Property Name Metho ds dcim_nicstatistics linkstatus N/A dcim_nicstatistics osdriverstat e N/A dcim_nicstatistics partitionlink status N/A dcim_nicstatistics partitionosd riverstate N/A dcim_nicstatistics rdmarxtotal bytes N/A dcim_nicstatistics rdmarxtotal packets N/A 68 iDRAC9 Redfish API Mapping (14G/15G) /redfish/v1/Syst ems/System.Em bedded.1/Netw orkAdapters/{ID }/NetworkPorts/ {ID} /redfish/v1/Dell /Systems/Syste m.Embedded.
Technical support and resources Class Name Property Name Metho ds dcim_nicstatistics rdmatotalpr otectionerro rs dcim_nicstatistics rdmatotalpr otocolerrors N/A dcim_nicstatistics rdmatxtotal bytes N/A dcim_nicstatistics rdmatxtotal packets N/A dcim_nicstatistics rdmatxtotal readreqpkts dcim_nicstatistics 69 rdmatxtotal sendpkts N/A N/A N/A iDRAC9 Redfish API Mapping (14G/15G) /redfish/v1/Dell /Systems/Syste m.Embedded.
Technical support and resources Class Name Property Name Metho ds iDRAC9 Redfish API Mapping (14G/15G) dcim_nicstatistics rxbroadcast dcim_nicstatistics rxerrorpktali gnmenterro rs N/A dcim_nicstatistics rxerrorpktfc serrors N/A dcim_nicstatistics rxfalsecarrie rdetection N/A dcim_nicstatistics rxjabberpkt N/A /redfish/v1/Dell /Systems/Syste m.Embedded.1/ NetworkAdapter s/NetworkDevic eFunctions/Dell NICPortMetrics /redfish/v1/Dell /Systems/Syste m.Embedded.
Technical support and resources Class Name Property Name Metho ds dcim_nicstatistics rxpausexonf rames N/A dcim_nicstatistics rxruntpkt N/A dcim_nicstatistics startstatistic time N/A dcim_nicstatistics statistictime N/A dcim_nicstatistics txbroadcast N/A dcim_nicstatistics txerrorpktex cessivecollisi on 71 N/A iDRAC9 Redfish API Mapping (14G/15G) m.Embedded.1/ NetworkAdapter s/NetworkDevic eFunctions/Dell NICPortMetrics /redfish/v1/Dell /Systems/Syste m.Embedded.
Technical support and resources Class Name Property Name Metho ds dcim_nicstatistics txerrorpktla tecollision dcim_nicstatistics txerrorpktm ultiplecollisi on dcim_nicstatistics txerrorpktsi nglecollision N/A dcim_nicstatistics txpausexofff rames N/A dcim_nicstatistics txpausexonf rames dcim_nicview controllerbi osversion 72 N/A N/A N/A N/A iDRAC9 Redfish API Mapping (14G/15G) s/NetworkDevic eFunctions/Dell NICPortMetrics /redfish/v1/Dell /Systems/Syste m.Embedded.
Technical support and resources Class Name dcim_nicview Property Name databuswidt h Metho ds N/A iDRAC9 Redfish API Mapping (14G/15G) /redfish/v1/Dell /Systems/Syste m.Embedded.1/ NetworkDeviceF unctions/DellNI C dcim_nicview devicedescri ption N/A dcim_nicview efiversion N/A /redfish/v1/Dell /Systems/Syste m.Embedded.1/ NetworkDeviceF unctions/DellNI C /redfish/v1/Dell /Systems/Syste m.Embedded.1/ NetworkDeviceF unctions/DellNI C N/A /redfish/v1/Dell /Systems/Syste m.Embedded.
Technical support and resources Class Name Property Name Metho ds dcim_nicview lastupdateti me N/A dcim_nicview linkduplex N/A dcim_nicview pcideviceid N/A dcim_nicview pcisubdevic eid dcim_nicview pcisubvendo rid N/A dcim_nicview pcivendorid N/A dcim_nicview protocol N/A 74 N/A iDRAC9 Redfish API Mapping (14G/15G) NetworkDeviceF unctions/DellNI C /redfish/v1/Dell /Systems/Syste m.Embedded.1/ NetworkDeviceF unctions/DellNI C /redfish/v1/Dell /Systems/Syste m.Embedded.
Technical support and resources Class Name Property Name Metho ds iDRAC9 Redfish API Mapping (14G/15G) Redfish Mapping DMTFOEM unctions/DellNI C dcim_nicview slotlength N/A dcim_nicview slottype N/A dcim_nicview vendornam e N/A dcim_numericsen sor currentstate dcim_numericsen sor enableddefa ult N/A dcim_numericsen sor operationals tatus[] N/A dcim_numericsen sor othersensor typedescript ion dcim_numericsen sor possiblestat es[] 75 N/A N/A N/A /redfish/v1/Dell /Systems/Syste
Technical support and resources Class Name Property Name Metho ds dcim_numericsen sor primarystat us N/A dcim_numericsen sor requestedst ate N/A dcim_numericsen sor settablethre sholds[] N/A dcim_numericsen sor transitioning tostate N/A dcim_numericsen sor unitmodifier dcim_numericsen sor valueformul ation N/A N/A getrfsis oimage connec tioninf o dcim_osdeployme ntservice 76 N/A iDRAC9 Redfish API Mapping (14G/15G) DellNumericSen sor /redfish/v1/Dell /Systems/Syste m.Embedded.
Technical support and resources Class Name Property Name Metho ds skipisoi mageb oot dcim_osdeployme ntservice N/A dcim_pcidevicevie w lastsystemin ventorytime N/A dcim_pcidevicevie w lastupdateti me N/A dcim_pciessdback planeview firmwarever sion N/A dcim_pciessdview bus N/A dcim_pciessdview busprotocol N/A dcim_pciessdview device N/A dcim_pciessdview freesizeinby tes 77 N/A iDRAC9 Redfish API Mapping (14G/15G) /redfish/v1/Dell /Systems/Syste m.Embedded.
Technical support and resources Class Name Property Name Metho ds dcim_pciessdview function N/A dcim_pciessdview hotsparesta tus N/A dcim_pciessdview mediatype N/A dcim_pciessdview pciecapablel inkwidth N/A dcim_pciessdview pcienegotiat edlinkwidth N/A dcim_pciessdview productid N/A dcim_pciessdview raidtype N/A dcim_pciessdview systemerase capability N/A dcim_physicaldisk view foreignkeyid entifier N/A 78 iDRAC9 Redfish API Mapping (14G/15G) /redfish/v1/Dell /Systems/Syste m
Technical support and resources Class Name Property Name Metho ds iDRAC9 Redfish API Mapping (14G/15G) Redfish Mapping DMTFOEM Storage/Drives/ DellPhysicalDisk dcim_physicaldisk view lastsystemin ventorytime dcim_physicaldisk view lastupdateti me dcim_physicaldisk view operationna me dcim_physicaldisk view operationpe rcentcomple te N/A dcim_physicaldisk view raidtype N/A dcim_physicaldisk view systemerase capability N/A dcim_physicaldisk view t10picapabil ity N/A dcim_physicalpac
Technical support and resources Class Name Property Name Metho ds dcim_powersuppl yview lastsystemin ventorytime dcim_powersuppl yview lastupdateti me N/A dcim_powersuppl yview pmbusmoni toring N/A dcim_presencean dstatussensor othersensor typedescript ion N/A dcim_presencean dstatussensor possiblestat es[] N/A dcim_presencean dstatussensor systemnam e N/A dcim_psnumerics ensor description dcim_psnumerics ensor enableddefa ult 80 N/A N/A N/A iDRAC9 Redfish API Mapping (14G/15G) .
Technical support and resources Class Name Property Name Metho ds dcim_psnumerics ensor operationals tatus[] N/A dcim_psnumerics ensor possiblestat es[] N/A dcim_psnumerics ensor primarystat us dcim_psnumerics ensor requestedst ate N/A dcim_psnumerics ensor resolution N/A dcim_psnumerics ensor settablethre sholds[] N/A dcim_psnumerics ensor systemnam e N/A dcim_psnumerics ensor dcim_psnumerics ensor transitioning tostate N/A 81 unitmodifier N/A N/A iDRAC9 Redfish API Mapping (1
Technical support and resources Class Name Property Name dcim_psnumerics ensor valueformul ation dcim_raidservice N/A dcim_raidservice N/A dcim_raidservice N/A dcim_raidservice N/A dcim_raidservice N/A 82 Metho ds iDRAC9 Redfish API Mapping (14G/15G) m.Embedded.1/ DellPSNumericS ensor /redfish/v1/Dell /Systems/Syste m.Embedded.1/ DellPSNumericS N/A ensor /redfish/v1/Dell /Systems/Syste m.Embedded.1/ cancelb DellRaidService/ ackgro Actions/DellRaid undinit Service.
Technical support and resources Class Name dcim_raidservice dcim_raidservice dcim_raidservice dcim_raidservice dcim_raidservice dcim_raidservice 83 Property Name Metho ds N/A importf oreignc onfig N/A onlinec apacity expansi on N/A prepar etorem ove N/A raidlev elmigra tion N/A rebuild physica ldisk N/A renam evd iDRAC9 Redfish API Mapping (14G/15G) Service.ClearCon trollerPreserved Cache /redfish/v1/Dell /Systems/Syste m.Embedded.1/ DellRaidService/ Actions/DellRaid Service.
Technical support and resources Class Name Property Name Metho ds iDRAC9 Redfish API Mapping (14G/15G) Redfish Mapping DMTFOEM Service.Rename VD dcim_raidservice N/A replace physica ldisk dcim_raidservice N/A setasse tname N/A setboo tvd N/A startpa trolrea d N/A stoppa trolrea d N/A unassig nspare dcim_raidservice dcim_raidservice dcim_raidservice dcim_raidservice 84 /redfish/v1/Dell /Systems/Syste m.Embedded.1/ DellRaidService/ Actions/DellRaid Service.
Technical support and resources Class Name Property Name Metho ds dcim_raidservice N/A unlocks ecuref oreignc onfig dcim_sensor operationals tatus[] N/A dcim_sensor othersensor typedescript ion N/A dcim_sensor possiblestat es[] N/A dcim_sensor primarystat us N/A dcim_sensor requestedst ate N/A dcim_slot connectorla yout N/A dcim_slot devicefqdd N/A dcim_slot elementna me N/A dcim_slot emptyslot N/A 85 iDRAC9 Redfish API Mapping (14G/15G) /redfish/v1/Dell /Systems/Syste m.
Technical support and resources Class Name Property Name Metho ds dcim_slot number N/A dcim_slot numberdesc ription N/A dcim_slot slotenableds tate N/A dcim_slot tag dcim_softwareide ntity buildnumbe r N/A dcim_softwareide ntity classificatio ns[] N/A dcim_softwareide ntity identityinfot ype[] N/A dcim_softwareide ntity identityinfo value[] N/A dcim_softwareide ntity impactstpm measureme nts N/A dcim_softwareide ntity majorversio n N/A 86 N/A iDRAC9 Redfish API Mapping (14G
Technical support and resources Class Name Property Name Metho ds iDRAC9 Redfish API Mapping (14G/15G) Redfish Mapping DMTFOEM ory/DellSoftwar eInventory dcim_softwareide ntity minorversio n dcim_softwareide ntity revisionstrin g N/A N/A clearup datesc hedule N/A getupd atesch edule N/A setupd atesch edule N/A serverp ortcon nection refresh dcim_softwareinst allationservice dcim_softwareinst allationservice dcim_softwareinst allationservice dcim_switchconn ectionservice 87 N/A /re
Technical support and resources Class Name dcim_switchconn ectionview Property Name Metho ds staledata N/A dcim_systemman agementservice N/A shower rorsonl cd dcim_systemquick syncview devicedescri ption N/A dcim_systemquick syncview fqdd N/A dcim_systemquick syncview fwversion N/A dcim_systemquick syncview hwstatus N/A dcim_systemquick syncview manufactur er N/A 88 iDRAC9 Redfish API Mapping (14G/15G) tions/DellSwitch ConnectionServi ce.
Technical support and resources Class Name Property Name Metho ds dcim_systemquick syncview productnam e N/A dcim_systemquick syncview version N/A dcim_systemview chassismod el N/A dcim_systemview chassisname N/A dcim_systemview chassissyste mheight N/A dcim_systemview currentrollu pstatus N/A dcim_systemview estimatedex hausttempe rature N/A dcim_systemview estimatedsy stemairflow N/A dcim_systemview idsdmrollup status N/A dcim_systemview isoembrand ed 89 N/A iDRAC9 Redfi
Technical support and resources Class Name Property Name Metho ds dcim_systemview lastsystemin ventorytime N/A dcim_systemview lastupdateti me N/A dcim_systemview maxcpusock ets N/A dcim_systemview memoryope rationmode N/A dcim_systemview populateddi mmslots N/A dcim_systemview populatedpc ieslots N/A dcim_systemview sdcardrollup status N/A dcim_systemview selrollupstat us N/A dcim_systemview serveralloca tion N/A dcim_systemview smbiosguid N/A dcim_systemview sysmemerro r
Technical support and resources Class Name Property Name Metho ds dcim_systemview sysmemfailo verstate N/A dcim_systemview sysmemloca tion N/A dcim_systemview systemrevisi on N/A dcim_systemview tempstatisti csrollupstat us N/A dcim_timeservice N/A manag etime dcim_usbdevicevi ew baseclass N/A dcim_usbdevicevi ew devicedescri ption N/A dcim_usbdevicevi ew deviceversio n N/A dcim_usbdevicevi ew fqdd N/A dcim_usbdevicevi ew manufactur er N/A 91 iDRAC9 Redfish API Mapping (14
Technical support and resources Class Name Property Name Metho ds dcim_usbdevicevi ew maximumcu rrentdrawn N/A dcim_usbdevicevi ew productid N/A dcim_usbdevicevi ew productnam e N/A dcim_usbdevicevi ew protocol N/A dcim_usbdevicevi ew serialnumbe r N/A dcim_usbdevicevi ew subclass N/A dcim_usbdevicevi ew usbversion N/A dcim_usbdevicevi ew vendorid N/A dcim_vflashview lastsystemin ventorytime N/A dcim_vflashview lastupdateti me N/A dcim_videonwpar amsview ipaddress N/A 92
Technical support and resources Class Name Property Name Metho ds dcim_videonwpar amsview DeviceDescr iption N/A dcim_videonwpar amsview FQDD N/A dcim_videonwpar amsview InstanceID N/A dcim_videonwpar amsview macaddress N/A dcim_videoview busnumber N/A dcim_videoview databuswidt h N/A dcim_videoview description N/A dcim_videoview devicedescri ption N/A dcim_videoview devicenumb er N/A dcim_videoview fqdd N/A 93 iDRAC9 Redfish API Mapping (14G/15G) DellVideoNetwo rk /redfis
Technical support and resources Class Name Property Name Metho ds dcim_videoview functionnu mber N/A dcim_videoview instanceid N/A dcim_videoview lastsystemin ventorytime N/A dcim_videoview lastupdateti me N/A dcim_videoview manufactur er N/A dcim_videoview pcideviceid N/A dcim_videoview pcisubdevic eid N/A dcim_videoview pcisubvendo rid N/A dcim_videoview pcivendorid N/A dcim_videoview slotlength N/A dcim_videoview slottype N/A 94 iDRAC9 Redfish API Mapping (14G/15G) m.
Technical support and resources Class Name Property Name Metho ds dcim_virtualdiskvi ew lastsystemin ventorytime N/A dcim_virtualdiskvi ew lastupdateti me N/A dcim_virtualdiskvi ew objectstatus N/A dcim_virtualdiskvi ew operationna me dcim_virtualdiskvi ew operationpe rcentcomple te dcim_virtualdiskvi ew startinglbain blocks 95 N/A N/A N/A iDRAC9 Redfish API Mapping (14G/15G) m.Embedded.1/ DellVideo /redfish/v1/Syst ems/System.Em bedded.
Technical support and resources Class Name dcim_virtualdiskvi ew Property Name stripesize Metho ds N/A dcim_virtualdiskvi ew t10pistatus N/A dcim_virtualdiskvi ew raidstatus N/A dcim_virtualdiskvi ew dcim_idraccardser vice primarystat us dcim_lcservice N/A dcim_lcservice N/A dcim_lcservice N/A N/A getkvm session clearba ckupsc hedule getbac kupsch edule setback upsche dule dcim_powersuppl y operationals tatus[] N/A 96 N/A iDRAC9 Redfish API Mapping (14G/15G) /redfish/v1/Syst ems/S
Technical support and resources Class Name Property Name Metho ds dcim_chassis canbefrued N/A dcim_chassis systemid N/A dcim_controllervi ew alarmstate N/A dcim_controllervi ew bootvirtuald iskfqdd N/A dcim_controllervi ew connectorco unt N/A dcim_controllervi ew device N/A dcim_controllervi ew devicecardd atabuswidth dcim_controllervi ew devicecardsl otlength N/A dcim_controllervi ew lastsystemin ventorytime N/A 97 N/A iDRAC9 Redfish API Mapping (14G/15G) ies/DellPowerSu ppl
Technical support and resources Class Name Property Name dcim_controllervi ew lastupdateti me dcim_controllervi ew maxavailabl epcilinkspee d dcim_controllervi ew maxpossible pcilinkspeed dcim_controllervi ew persistentho tspare dcim_controllervi ew realtimecap ability dcim_controllervi ew sasaddress dcim_controllervi ew sharedslotas signmentall owed dcim_controllervi ew supportcont rollerbootm ode 98 Metho ds N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A iDRAC9 Redfish API Mapping (14G/15G)
Technical support and resources Class Name Property Name Metho ds dcim_controllervi ew supportenh ancedautofo reignimport N/A dcim_controllervi ew supportraid 10unevensp ans N/A dcim_cpuview cache1assoc iativity N/A dcim_cpuview cache1error methodolog y N/A dcim_cpuview cache1instal ledsize N/A dcim_cpuview cache1level dcim_cpuview cache1locati on dcim_cpuview cache1prim arystatus N/A dcim_cpuview cache1size N/A 99 N/A N/A iDRAC9 Redfish API Mapping (14G/15G) /redfish/v1/Dell
Technical support and resources Class Name Property Name Metho ds dcim_cpuview cache1sram type N/A dcim_cpuview cache1type N/A dcim_cpuview cache1write policy dcim_cpuview cache2assoc iativity dcim_cpuview cache2error methodolog y dcim_cpuview cache2instal ledsize N/A dcim_cpuview cache2level N/A dcim_cpuview cache2locati on N/A 100 N/A N/A N/A iDRAC9 Redfish API Mapping (14G/15G) Processors/Dell Processor /redfish/v1/Dell /Systems/Syste m.Embedded.
Technical support and resources Class Name Property Name Metho ds dcim_cpuview cache2prim arystatus N/A dcim_cpuview cache2size N/A dcim_cpuview cache2sram type N/A dcim_cpuview cache2type N/A dcim_cpuview cache2write policy N/A dcim_cpuview cache3assoc iativity dcim_cpuview cache3error methodolog y dcim_cpuview cache3instal ledsize N/A dcim_cpuview cache3level N/A 101 N/A N/A iDRAC9 Redfish API Mapping (14G/15G) /redfish/v1/Dell /Systems/Syste m.Embedded.
Technical support and resources Class Name dcim_cpuview dcim_cpuview Property Name cache3locati on cache3prim arystatus dcim_cpuview cache3size dcim_cpuview cache3sram type dcim_cpuview cache3type dcim_cpuview cache3write policy dcim_cpuview externalbus clockspeed dcim_cpuview dcim_cpuview 102 lastsystemin ventorytime lastupdateti me Metho ds N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A iDRAC9 Redfish API Mapping (14G/15G) Processors/Dell Processor /redfish/v1/Dell /Systems/Syste m.
Technical support and resources Class Name Property Name dcim_cpuview voltage dcim_powersuppl y requestedst ate dcim_cpuview cpufamily creationclas sname dcim_chassis dcim_idraccardser vice dcim_idraccardser vice dcim_idraccardser vice dcim_jobservice dcim_slot dcim_biosservice dcim_metricservic e dcim_metricservic e 103 N/A N/A N/A N/A creationclas sname N/A N/A N/A Metho ds N/A N/A N/A N/A cleartr ansfers ession export data import data createj ob N/A devicer ecover y control metrics geta
Technical support and resources Class Name Property Name Metho ds iDRAC9 Redfish API Mapping (14G/15G) Redfish Mapping DMTFOEM ptionb yinterv al dcim_nicview dcim_licensemana gementservice dcim_pciessdview dcim_cpuview dcim_cpuview dcim_cpuview dcim_nicview dcim_nicview autonegotia tion N/A devicelifesta tus characteristi cs executedisa bledcapable executedisa bledenabled fcoeoffload mode N/A NA N/A NA N/A N/A Deprecated n/a NA N/A Deprecated n/a NA N/A Deprecated DellNetworkAttr ibut
Technical support and resources Class Name dcim_pciessdview dcim_pciessdview dcim_pciessdview dcim_pciessdview dcim_pciessdview dcim_pciessdview dcim_pciessdview 105 Property Name failurepredi cted fqdd instanceid manufactur er maximumca pablespeed model negotiateds peed Metho ds iDRAC9 Redfish API Mapping (14G/15G) Redfish Mapping DMTFOEM N/A /redfish/v1/Syst ems/System.Em bedded.1/Stora ge/PCIeSSD.Slot.
Technical support and resources Class Name Property Name Metho ds iDRAC9 Redfish API Mapping (14G/15G) dcim_pciessdview primarystat us N/A dcim_pciessdview raidstatus N/A /redfish/v1/Syst ems/System.Em bedded.1/Stora ge/PCIeSSD.Slot. 2-C/Drives/{ID} /redfish/v1/Syst ems/System.Em bedded.1/Stora ge/PCIeSSD.Slot.
Technical support and resources Class Name dcim_pciessdview DCIM_ControllerV iew dcim_cpuview dcim_cpuview dcim_cpuview dcim_cpuview dcim_cpuview 107 Property Name Metho ds iDRAC9 Redfish API Mapping (14G/15G) SASAddress /redfish/v1/Syst ems/System.Em bedded.1/Stora ge/PCIeSSD.Slot. 2-C/Drives/{ID} /redfish/v1/Syst ems/System.Em bedded.1/Stora ge/AHCI.Embed ded.1-1 devicedescri ption N/A /redfish/v1/Syst ems/System.Em bedded.1/Proce ssors/{ID} N/A /redfish/v1/Syst ems/System.Em bedded.
Technical support and resources Class Name dcim_cpuview Property Name model dcim_cpuview numberofen abledcores dcim_cpuview numberofpr ocessorcore s dcim_cpuview dcim_pcidevicevie w dcim_pcidevicevie w dcim_pcidevicevie w dcim_pcidevicevie w 108 primarystat us busnumber devicedescri ption devicenumb er fqdd Metho ds iDRAC9 Redfish API Mapping (14G/15G) Redfish Mapping N/A /redfish/v1/Syst ems/System.Em bedded.1/Proce ssors/{ID} N/A /redfish/v1/Syst ems/System.Em bedded.
Technical support and resources Class Name dcim_pcidevicevie w dcim_pcidevicevie w Property Name functionnu mber instanceid Metho ds FunctionI D DMTF N/A /redfish/v1/Syst ems/System.Em bedded.
Technical support and resources Class Name dcim_pciessdback planeview dcim_biosservice Property Name instanceid N/A DCIM_BIOSService DCIM_BIOSService DCIM_BIOSService dcim_biosservice 110 N/A Metho ds N/A iDRAC9 Redfish API Mapping (14G/15G) /redfish/v1/Syst ems/System.Em bedded.1/PCIeD evices/{ID} /redfish/v1/Syst ems/System.Em deletep bedded.1/Bios/S ending ettings/Actions/ configu Oem/DellManag ration er.ClearPending Create Target edConf igJob /redfish/v1/Syst ems/System.Em bedded.
Technical support and resources Class Name Property Name Metho ds iDRAC9 Redfish API Mapping (14G/15G) /redfish/v1/Syst ems/System.Em bedded.1/Bios/ Actions/Bios.Ch angePassword DCIM_BootConfig Setting Change BIOSPa ssword Change BootOr derByI nstanc eID DCIM_BootConfig Setting Change BootSo urceSta te dcim_lcservice N/A /redfish/v1/Man agers/LifecycleC ontroller.Embed ded.1/Attributes deletep /Settings/Action ending s/Oem/DellMan configu ager.
Technical support and resources Class Name dcim_lcservice Property Name N/A DCIM_SelLogEntry DCIM_SelLogEntry DCIM_SelLogEntry dcim_idraccardser vice 112 createc onfigjo b SetAttr ibute DCIM_LCService DCIM_SelLogEntry Metho ds CreationTim eStamp PercievedSe verity RecordData RecordID N/A iDRAC9 Redfish API Mapping (14G/15G) /redfish/v1/Man agers/iDRAC.Em bedded.1/Oem/ Dell/DellAttribut es/LifecycleCont roller.Embedded .1/Settings /redfish/v1/Man agers/iDRAC.Em bedded.
Technical support and resources Class Name Property Name DCIM_iDRACCard String IPV4Address DCIM_iDRACCard String IPV6Address DCIM_iDRACCard String LinkDuplex Metho ds dcim_sensor deviceid N/A dcim_sensor sensortype N/A DCIM_PowerSupp lyView DCIM_PowerSupp lyView 113 Redfish Mapping /redfish/v1/Man agers/iDRAC.Em bedded.1/Attrib utes /redfish/v1/Man agers/iDRAC.Em bedded.1/Attrib utes /redfish/v1/Man agers/iDRAC.Em bedded.
Technical support and resources Class Name DCIM_PowerSupp lyView DCIM_PowerSupp lyView DCIM_PowerSupp lyView DCIM_PowerSupp lyView DCIM_PowerSupp lyView DCIM_PowerSupp lyView 114 Property Name Metho ds iDRAC9 Redfish API Mapping (14G/15G) Redfish Mapping PrimaryStat us /redfish/v1/Cha ssis/System.Emb edded.1/Power# /PowerSupplies/ {ID} TotalOutput Power /redfish/v1/Cha ssis/System.Emb edded.1/Power# /PowerSupplies/ {ID} Firmware Version /redfish/v1/Cha ssis/System.Emb edded.
Technical support and resources Class Name DCIM_PowerSupp lyView DCIM_PowerSupp lyView DCIM_PowerSupp lyView dcim_nicview dcim_nicview 115 Property Name Metho ds iDRAC9 Redfish API Mapping (14G/15G) Model /redfish/v1/Cha ssis/System.Emb edded.1/Power# /PowerSupplies/ {ID} PartNumber /redfish/v1/Cha ssis/System.Emb edded.1/Power# /PowerSupplies/ {ID} SerialNumb er /redfish/v1/Cha ssis/System.Emb edded.
Technical support and resources Class Name dcim_nicview Property Name transmitflo wcontrol dcim_nicview currentmac address dcim_nicview functionnu mber dcim_nicview 116 permanent macaddress Metho ds N/A iDRAC9 Redfish API Mapping (14G/15G) /redfish/v1/Cha ssis/System.Emb edded.1/Networ kAdapters/NIC.E mbedded.1/Net workPorts/{ID} N/A /redfish/v1/Cha ssis/System.Emb edded.1/Networ kAdapters/NIC.E mbedded.1/Net workDeviceFunc tions/NIC.Embe dded.1-1-1 /redfish/v1/Cha ssis/System.Emb edded.
Technical support and resources Class Name dcim_nicview dcim_nicview dcim_nicview Property Name virtwwn virtwwpn wwn dcim_nicview wwpn DCIM_NICView VendorNam e 117 Metho ds iDRAC9 Redfish API Mapping (14G/15G) N/A /redfish/v1/Cha ssis/System.Emb edded.1/Networ kAdapters/NIC.E mbedded.1/Net workDeviceFunc tions/NIC.Embe dded.1-1-1 N/A /redfish/v1/Cha ssis/System.Emb edded.1/Networ kAdapters/NIC.E mbedded.1/Net workDeviceFunc tions/NIC.Embe dded.1-1-1 N/A /redfish/v1/Cha ssis/System.
Technical support and resources Class Name Property Name Metho ds iDRAC9 Redfish API Mapping (14G/15G) Redfish Mapping DMTFOEM mbedded.1/Net workDeviceFunc tions/NIC.Embe dded.1-1-1 DCIM_NICView FQDD DCIM_NICView PCIVendorI D /redfish/v1/Cha ssis/System.Emb edded.1/Networ kAdapters/NIC.E mbedded.1/Net workDeviceFunc tions/NIC.Embe dded.1-1-1 /redfish/v1/Cha ssis/System.Emb edded.1/Networ kAdapters/NIC.E mbedded.1/Net workDeviceFunc tions/NIC.Embe dded.
Technical support and resources Class Name dcim_fccapabilitie s dcim_fcstatistics dcim_fcstatistics dcim_fcview Property Name instanceid fqdd instanceid devicedescri ption DCIM_SystemMan agementService dcim_enclosureps uview 119 Metho ds N/A /redfish/v1/Cha ssis/System.Emb edded.1/Networ kAdapters/{ID}/ NetworkDeviceF unctions/{ID} N/A /redfish/v1/Cha ssis/System.Emb edded.1/Networ kAdapters/{ID}/ NetworkDeviceF unctions/{ID} N/A /redfish/v1/Cha ssis/System.Emb edded.
Technical support and resources Class Name Property Name Metho ds iDRAC9 Redfish API Mapping (14G/15G) Redfish Mapping DMTFOEM 1/Power#/Powe rSupplies/0 dcim_enclosureps uview instanceid N/A dcim_enclosureps uview state N/A dcim_ipmirolebas edauthorizationse rvice DCIM_FCView DCIM_HostNetwo rkInterfaceView DCIM_HostNetwo rkInterfaceView 120 N/A assignr oles /redfish/v1/Cha ssis/Enclosure.E xternal.10:RAID.Slot.11/Power#/Powe rSupplies/0 /redfish/v1/Cha ssis/Enclosure.E xternal.10:RAID.
Technical support and resources Class Name DCIM_HostNetwo rkInterfaceView DCIM_HostNetwo rkInterfaceView DCIM_HostNetwo rkInterfaceView DCIM_HostNetwo rkInterfaceView DCIM_HostNetwo rkInterfaceView DCIM_HostNetwo rkInterfaceView DCIM_HostNetwo rkInterfaceView 121 Property Name Metho ds iDRAC9 Redfish API Mapping (14G/15G) IPV4Gatewa y /redfish/v1/Syst ems/System.Em bedded.1/Ether netInterfaces/{I D} IPv4Subnet /redfish/v1/Syst ems/System.Em bedded.
Technical support and resources Class Name Property Name Metho ds iDRAC9 Redfish API Mapping (14G/15G) DCIM_HostNetwo rkInterfaceView Status /redfish/v1/Syst ems/System.Em bedded.1/Ether netInterfaces/{I D} DCIM_HostNetwo rkInterface View Type NA FirmwareVe rsion /redfish/v1/Syst ems/System.Em bedded.1 /redfish/v1/Cha ssis/{EnclosureI d}/Oem/Dell/De llPCIeSSDBackPl anes numberofth reads N/A /redfish/v1/Syst ems/System.Em bedded.1/Proce ssors/{ID} ResetBI OS /redfish/v1/Syst ems/System.
Technical support and resources 2 Summary With growing Redfish adoption among customers, the DMTF Redfish standard is emerging as a key new tool for efficient, scalable, and secure server management. Leveraging iDRAC9 RESTful APIs aids in rapid automation for one-to-many server management. System administrators and IT developers continue to appreciate Redfish’s features that can increase efficiency, lower costs and boost productivity across their organizations.
Technical support and resources A Technical support and resources The iDRAC support home page provides access to product documents, technical white papers, how-to videos, and more. www.dell.com/support/idrac iDRAC User Guides and other manuals www.dell.com/idracmanuals iDRAC RESTful API with Redfish documentation and technical white papers • Redfish portal on Dell Developer Portal https://developer.dell.com/apis/2978/versions/5.00.00.