Users Guide
• Restarting or shutting down a computer during an encryption sweep no longer causes a Shield Service crash. [DDPC-1233]
• External Media Shield is now updated on a non-Shielded computer when that computer is used to access an encrypted removable
media that has been updated. [DDPC-1259]
• An issue that allowed re-encryption of encrypted les when an encryption sweep started and ended during a single user login session is
resolved. [DDPC-1262]
• An issue that occasionally caused a computer to become unresponsive during an encryption sweep is resolved. [DDPC-1275]
• Files stored in redirected folders on computers running HCA encryption are no longer corrupted. Previously, the last 4Kb of such les
could be corrupted. [DDPC-1282]
• The Encrypt for Sharing context menu option is now present when the user right clicks a le or folder in Windows Explorer.
• An issue that led to the computer becoming unresponsive during the reboot following installation is resolved. [DDPS-1328]
• The issue that agged services as suspicious or oine injection attacks and blocked them from starting is resolved. Previously, this
issue led to restart failures. [DDPC-1346, DDPC-1463]
• Slotted activation is now functioning as expected. Previously, in v8.5.1 and later versions, the Shield Service crashed without indication
to the user and the activation request never occurred. [DDPC-1462]
Preboot Authentication v8.9
• Upgrade from v8.1 and later with PBA activated succeeds. [DDPLP-397]
Technical Advisories v1.3
Threat Protection v1.3
• Running the child installer to upgrade the Threat Protection SDK fails. To work around this issue, run the Endpoint Security Suite
Master Installer to upgrade Threat Protection. [CSF-635]
• To avoid very long installation times due to Windows updates running on Windows 7, ensure that all updates are installed before
beginning installation. If Windows KB2913763 is not yet installed, install it then reboot before installing Endpoint Security Suite. For more
information, see [CSF-847, DDPC-1619]
• Before installation on a computer running Windows 7 and Microsoft .Net Framework 4.6, if all Windows updates have not been applied,
the computer becomes unresponsive after installation. To work around this issue, ensure that all Windows updates are applied before
beginning installation. [CSF-1158]
• Endpoint Security Suite is not supported with PC Cleaner Pro. [CSF-1211]
Encryption Client v8.9
• Added 04/2016 - A computer running Windows 7 hibernates although the client is unable to encrypt the hibernation data and the
Prevent Unsecured Hibernation policy is enabled. [DDPC-1220]
• The organization and naming of some policies dier in the local console and EE or VE Server Remote Management Console.
• Added 8/2017 - When the user inserts EMS-encrypted media and clicks Access Encrypted Files on a Windows 10 computer without
the Encryption client installed, the options Install EMS Service and Run EMS Explorer are not available. [DDPC-1449]
• On HCA-encrypted computers running the Windows 10 Fall Update, HCA decryption does not start after the HCA encryption policy is
changed to O. [DDPC-1452]
• On some USB drives, External Media Shield leaves some les unencrypted and renamed with "CEF????<original lename>ERR." This
occurs only occasionally, with USB drives or drivers that repeatedly disconnect and reconnect the drives. To work around this issue,
rename the les with their original lenames, then remove and reconnect the drive. If the EMS Scan External Media policy is On, the
resulting encryption sweep will process the les. [DDPC-1532]
• If the HCA algorithm is changed after encryption, HCA encryption does not start. [DDPC-1533]
Endpoint Security Suite Pro Technical Advisories v1.8
Technical Advisories