Users Guide
Enabling or disabling IO Identity Optimization
Normally, after the system boots, the devices are configured and then after a reboot the devices are initialized. You can enable
the I/O Identity Optimization feature to achieve boot optimization. If it is enabled, it sets the virtual address, initiator, and
storage target attributes after the device is reset and before it is initialized, thus eliminating a second BIOS restart. The device
configuration and boot operation occur in a single system start and is optimized for boot time performance.
Before enabling I/O identity optimization, make sure that:
● You have the Login, Configure, and System Control privileges.
● BIOS, iDRAC, and network cards are updated to the latest firmware.
After enabling I/O Identity Optimization feature, export the Server Configuration Profile file from iDRAC, modify the required
I/O Identity attributes in the SCP file, and import the file back to iDRAC.
For the list of I/O Identity Optimization attributes that you can modify in the SCP file, see the NIC Profile document available at
NOTE: Do not modify non I/O Identity Optimization attributes.
Enabling or disabling IO Identity Optimization using web interface
To enable or disable I/O Identity Optimization:
1. In the iDRAC Web interface, go to Configuration > System Settings > Hardware Settings > I/O Identity
The I/O Identity Optimization page is displayed.
2. Click the I/O Identity Optimization tab, select the Enable option to enable this feature. To disable, clear this option.
3. Click Apply to apply the setting.
Enabling or disabling IO Identity Optimization using RACADM
To enable I/O Identity Optimization, use the command:
racadm set idrac.ioidopt.IOIDOptEnable Enabled
After enabling this feature, you must restart the system for the settings to take effect.
To disable I/O Identity Optimization, use the command:
racadm set idrac.ioidopt.IOIDOptEnable Disabled
To view the I/O Identity Optimization setting, use the command:
racadm get iDRAC.IOIDOpt
SSD Wear Threshold
iDRAC provides you the ability to configure thresholds of Remaining Rated Write Endurance for all SSD's and Available Spare of
When SSD Remaining Rated Write Endurance and NVMe PCIe SSD Available Spare values are less than the threshold, then
iDRAC logs this event in the LC log and depending on the alert type selection, iDRAC also performs Email alert, SNMP Trap,
IPMI Alert, Logging in Remote Syslog, WS Eventing and OS log.
iDRAC alerts the user when the SSD Remaining Rated Write Endurance goes below the set threshold, so that the system admin
can take a backup of SSD or replace it.
For only NVMe PCIe SSDs, iDRAC displays Available Spare and provide a threshold to warn. The Available Spare is not
available for SSDs which are connected behind PERC and HBA.
Inventorying, monitoring, and configuring network devices