Reference Guide
Security Management Server v10.2.7 AdminHelp
On the Domains page, you can add a domain or search and select a domain to
View or Modify Domain
Add a Domain
To add a Domain, follow these steps:
1. In the left pane, click Populations > Domains.
2. On the Domains page, click Add.
3. Complete the fields on the Add Domains page.
Domain DNS Suffix - Enter the fully qualified host name or the computer name and
domain portion of the hostname (for example,
<computer_name>.<domainname>.com) for the enterprise directory server.
Port - Enter a port for the directory server. If you do not specify a port, the default port
of 389 is used. The secure port, 636, uses an SSL connection instead of clear text.
Global catalog ports are 3268 (clear-text) and 3269 (secure).
Distinguished Name - Populated when you tab from the completed Host Name field or
refresh the URL. If necessary, correct the entry to reflect the domain (for example,
DC=domainname, DC=com).
User Name - Enter a user name with rights for the domain to read and run queries on
the enterprise directory server. The format must be UPN, such as
Password - Enter a password with rights for the domain to read and run queries on the
enterprise directory server.
4. In the Domain Alias area, enter the domain name or other alias and click Add. It is
recommended that you add a pre-Windows 2000 domain name as an alias. You may
enter any UPN suffixes that are allowed for the domain and are configured in the
enterprise directory server.
A Domain Alias is a mapping the Dell Server uses to select which domains to search to
locate users that might match the suffix in the UPN.
5. Click Add Domain.
Users are added through reconciliation. Reconciliation is the automated process the Dell Serveruses to
compare user data in the Dell Server database with user data in the enterprise directory server and
update the Dell Server database when necessary.
In the left pane, click Populations > Users and then click a user name, to view details about the user.
Click the arrow next to a User Name to view the Common Name, sAM Account Name, and User
Principal Name.
Add a User by Domain
1. In the left pane, click Populations > Users.