Users Guide

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: RACADM CLI 结合现有界面使用,可在 3000W 交流 PSU 配置上启用最大节能模式 (MPCM)。如果启用了 EPP,启用
场景 5:当设置了其他电源配置设置时,尝试从已禁用的开始状态下启用 EPP
在系统输入功率上限较低时在 3000W 交流 PSU 上启用 EPP
racadm config -g cfgchassispower -o cfgChassisEPPEnable
This feature is not supported while System Input Power Cap is set to less than or equal
to 13300 W (45381 BTU/h).
在启用了 DPSE 后在 3000W 交流 PSU 上启用 EPP
racadm config -g cfgChassisPower -o cfgChassisEPPEnable 1
This feature is not supported while Dynamic Power Supply Engagement is enabled.
在启用了 SBPM 后在 3000W 交流 PSU 上启用 EPP
racadm config -g cfgChassisPower -o cfgChassisEPPEnable 1
This feature is not supported while Server Based Power Management is enabled.
在启用了 MPCM 后在 3000W 交流 PSU 上启用 EPP
racadm config -g cfgChassisPower -o cfgChassisEPPEnable 1
This feature is not supported while Max Power Conservation Mode is enabled.
在设置了 PSU 冗余策略后在 3000W 交流 PSU 上启用 EPP
racadm config -g cfgChassisPower -o cfgChassisEPPEnable 1
This feature is not supported until Redundancy Policy is set to Grid Redundancy.
在设置了无冗余策略后在 3000W 交流 PSU 上启用 EPP
racadm config -g cfgChassisPower -o cfgChassisEPPEnable 1
This feature is not supported until Redundancy Policy is set to Grid Redundancy.
场景 6:在 3000W 交流 PSU 上启用了 EPP 后固件降级
racadm fwupdate -g -u -a -d firmimg.cmc -m cmc-active -m cmc-standby
Cannot update local CMC firmware: The uploaded firmware image does not support the installed
power supplies.
使用案例场景 229