User Manual v12.1.0 Instruction Manual
726 Brocade Network Advisor SAN + IP User Manual
Network OS switches in VCS mode
Viewing QoS parameters on the Network OS switch LAG
Table 104 (DCB) and Table 105 (non-DCB) describe the parameters that displays on the View LAG
dialog box - QoS tab.
Network OS switches in VCS mode support only the DCB map. Network OS switches in standalone
mode supports both the DCB and Traffic Class maps.
Status Indicates whether the LAG is enabled or disabled. You must enable the
LAG to use the DCB functionality.
Default CoS The Cost of Service (CoS) value for incoming untagged frames. Values
are 0-7 or <profile> if the port is profiled. The default CoS is 0.
Type Displays the limit on the size of the LAG. The type values include
Standard, where the LAG is limited to 16 ports, and Brocade LAG, where
the LAG is limited to 8 ports. The default is Standard.
MTU The maximum transmission unit (MTU). Valid values are from 1522
through 9216 bytes, and the default is 2500 bytes.
Mode Displays how the ports are added to the LAG members table in either
Static or Dynamic mode. The default is Dynamic, Active, but LAG
members can be Active or Passive if the LAG member is Dynamic.
Minimum Links Displays the minimum number of operationally UP links needed to
declare the port channel UP. This field is applicable only for standalone
Network OS devices.
LAG Members list Lists the ports that are members of the LAG.
TABLE 104 QoS (DCB) parameters on the Network OS switch LAG.
Field/Component Description
Mode The QoS mode (DCB).
Fabric Remap Priority The fabric remap priority of the LAG. Valid values are CoS 0 through CoS
6, and the default is CoS 0.
DCB Map The DCB map that is associated with the FCoE Map. This is a read-only
Lossless Remap Priority The FCoE lossless remap priority of the LAG. Valid values are CoS 0
through CoS 6, and the default is CoS 0.
TABLE 103 LAG parameters on the Network OS switch LAG (Continued)
Field/Component Description