User`s guide
Rendering Tracks and Compositions
To edit a render item
t Right-click a render item to open it in the timeline for further editing.
Exporting Files as Flash
Avid FX allows you to export files in the Macromedia Flash (SWF) format. This feature
allows you to export compositions as compact, vector-based files optimized for web
viewing. For example, you could export a Type On effect to include on a web page.
The SWF format was designed primarily for animated 3D Line Art objects, so it works well
when exporting settings that contain spline and text animations. Settings that contain video
or animated bitmaps, however, generate rather large files. You might want to consider
exporting such animations as a QuickTime or AVI file. See “Setting the Movie Export
Options” on page 576 for more information.
There are some limitations with the Flash export feature. You cannot export 3D Extrusion
tracks as Flash. Settings containing 3D Extrusion tracks export as a blank track. The Flash
export feature does not support shadows or gradients used as Texture tracks. However, you
can export a static gradient as a bitmap background.
To prepare to export to Flash, you should change any shape track containing EPS files, text,
or Spline media to 3D Line Art shape. Because you cannot use the 3D Line Art shape with
the Brush tool, you cannot export brush strokes as Flash.
To export a track as a Flash file:
1. Select the appropriate track in the timeline.
2. Select File > Export > Flash.
A dialog box appears that allows you to name and save the file.
3. Name the track and click Save.
The composition is exported using the Flash Export settings, which are controlled by the
Preferences window’s Export tab.
Using Frame Cache Features
Frame Cache speeds editing and previewing when you work with certain types of imported
movie files and/or editing system video tracks.
When frame caching is enabled, a copy of each frame is saved or “cached” the first time you
preview the frame. The cached file for the frame is accessed every time you return to the
frame within Avid FX.