User`s guide

Chapter 9 Motion Tracking
Advanced Tab (Motion Stabilizer)
The Advanced tab of the Motion Stabilizer effect lets you fine tune the motion tracking for
more accurate results.
Weight Factor menu Sets the weighting factor for each tracker’s
contribution to the average result. This allows you to
average the results of multiple trackers for more
precise tracking.
Select a number from the menu to indicate the
number of samples that are taken of that tracker.
Typically, you add weight to the tracker in which
you have the highest confidence.
If you are only using one tracker, the parameter has
no affect.
Parameter Description
Parameter Description
Pre-Blur option Select to apply a blur to the image. The blur
temporarily reduces noise in the footage, which can
help produce better tracks.
Selecting Pre-Blur is recommended when you
are stabilizing footage in which the motion is
about one pixel or less.
Track in Reverse
Select to track backwards. Use if the area you want
to track grows larger as the effect proceeds or if the
area is off screen at the beginning of the effect.
Input Channel menu Select an option to determine which channel in the
Source track is used to calculate data. The options
Luminance, Saturation, Red, Green, Blue.
Experiment to see which channel produces the best
result. Saturation is useful if the lighting in the
effect changes over time.
Sub-Pixel Accuracy
Allows you to select the accuracy you need from up
to 1/256 of a pixel. Smaller fractions provide higher
accuracy but may take longer to estimate.