User`s guide

Applying Additional Shapes
Rock Parameters (Type Menu)
Trails Create a series of residual images that follow the
object as it moves.
Whole number values determine the number of
distinct visible trails.
Fractional numbers scale the opacity of the
No trails are visible if the object is stationary.
Do not use the Trails parameter in each
shape's Position tab if the shape is inside a
3D Container. Use the 3D Container's Trails
control instead.
Opacity Sets the opacity of the image and is scaled as a
A setting of 0% makes the image completely
A setting of 100% makes the image completely
Fade objects in or out by animating this parameter.
Scale X, Scale Y, Scale Z Changes the size of the object along the X, Y, and Z
axes. These parameters are scaled as percentages of
the object’s original width, height, or depth.
Rotation Order menu Sets the order that Tumble X, Spin Y, and Rotate Z
are applied. The first axis is unaffected by the other
Tumble X, Spin Y,
Rotate Z
Changes the image’s perspective along the X, Y, and
Z axes. Tumble, Spin, and Rotate are animated over
values greater than 360° in order to make the shape
complete more than one full revolution.
These controls rotate the object around its center but
you can also set an external pivot point around
which to tumble, spin, or rotate the object.
Parameter Description
Scale X, Scale Y Sets the rock’s horizontal and vertical size.
Parameter Description