User`s guide
Creating Animation
This command does not work when you work with the Constant or Hold interpolation types,
since these interpolation types apply the same value on the start and end keyframes.
Automatically Generating Random Keyframes
You can easily create random keyframes. When you select master keyframes (keyframes on
a Shape track), this command generates empty parameter keyframes equally spaced between
the two extreme keyframes in the selection. You set the number of keyframes and the
interpolation type in the Preferences window. When you select parameter keyframes, this
command applies a Wiggle value displacement. Setting the Wiggle value in the Preferences
window helps simulate more realistic motion by adding random changes to any parameter
over time.
To create random keyframes:
1. Set the first keyframe at the Position Y value to 243.
2. Set the last keyframe at the Position Y value to 290.
3. Shift+select the two parameter keyframes for Position Y.
4. Select Track > Generate Keyframes.
Setting the Interpolation
Each animation parameter has an interpolation field that determines how intermediate values
between keyframes are calculated. Whenever you adjust a parameter, a new keyframe is
created in that parameter’s track in the timeline and an interpolation type is set.
To animate a parameter, adjust a single keyframe. The parameter interpolates between the
value that you set and the default value, using the interpolation you chose.The
Interpolation menu
sets the default interpolation type assigned when you adjust any
parameter at a keyframe. The interpolation type determines how the program creates
intermediate values between two keyframe’s values.
For example, when you create a transition between two shapes, you might set the Default
Interpolation menu to Ease In/Out to create natural movement between keyframes. On the
other hand, when working with a filter where you want most parameter adjustments to affect