14 | Chapter 2 Make the Transition from Paper to CAD
Use Standard Symbols
Symbols have long been used in manual drafting as a way to represent real-
world objects in a simplified way. The ability to create and reuse standard
symbols is one of CAD’s greatest strengths.
With manual drafting, you might use a
symbol template or printed stickers to
draw repetitive landscape, architectural,
mechanical, or electrical symbols. This
method, however, limits the possible
variations of a symbol.
In AutoSketch, you can save time by
inserting symbols from the Content
Librarian anywhere in your drawing, at
any rotation or scale.
You can then add a symbol as many times
as needed by simply clicking to place the
Should a standard symbol change (be
redefined), all instances of the symbol in
your drawing will automatically be
In AutoSketch, you can also create your
own symbols from scratch or modify
existing ones.
Standard landscaping symbols are used
in this drawing of a residential home
floor plan.
The Content Librarian lets you locate libraries
(collections) of symbols. You choose the symbol
you want and drag it into your drawing.