Yale Security 2100 36-in Steel Left-Hand Reverse Vertical Rod Exit Device




Grade 1 fire rated surface vertical rod exit device to be used on metal, wood, or composite pairs of doors up to 7-ft where 2-point latching is desired. Exit device only - exterior trim sold separately. Handing: left hand reverse (field reversible). Designed for wide stile doors. UL Listed: GXHX, GXHX7. Hex key dogging supplied standard. Sex nuts and bolts supplied standard. Latchbolt: (top) 3/4-in throw, pullman-type with automatic deadlatching; (bottom) 5/8-in throw deadbolt, held retracted during door swing. Strike: (top) roller type 791; (bottom) flush mounted 790.


1CA Prop 65EN12020-10-02