Vivotek 4-Channel Video Server




Convert your 4-channel analog setup into a modern digital surveillance system with the VS8401 4-Channel Video Server from Vivotek . It has efficient H.264, MJPEG, and MPEG-4 video compression for small file sizes and limited strain on bandwidth while offering a high quality of D1 720 x 480 resolution at up to 30 fps. This model supports up to 4 channels with the ability for simultaneous dual streams. It also has a professional rack-mount design and a Gigabit Ethernet port for fast data transmission. Along with these basic video handling features, the VS8401 adds intelligent functions such as tamper detection and triple-window video motion detection along with automatic event notifications. The unit is also equipped with RS-485 support for control over PTZ functions and has multiple security protocols available. Integrating the VS8401 into an existing system is simplified due to the ability to accept either 12 VDC or 12 VAC power as well as a standard RJ45 Ethernet connection. This networked setup provides...


1Spec SheetCY,EN22023-02-06
2User ManualBN,EN1582023-02-06
3User ManualEN1782019-07-27